SoD - Wild Strikes doesn't proc from Feral instant attacks

On Season of Discovery, Wild Strikes does not proc from Feral instant attacks (Mangle/Shred), but anecdotally I hear that it does proc from Warrior/Rogue instant attacks (Quick Strike/Saber Slash).

This is somewhat of a DPS impact for Cat Druids, but even more importantly, it contributes to why Bear Druids are so rage starved! 2H warriors can generate a ton of rage from their instants with WS/WF procs, but Bears get nothing.

Since Windfury always procced from instant attacks (e.g. Hamstring fishing), it seems like proccing from instants is the expected behavior, and Wild Strikes needs to be updated to proc from all Feral instant attacks as well.


Bump - feral should benefit from our own spell the same as every other class

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This is also an issue for Paladin special attacks, and possibly other classes as well. I am writing up a bug report about it right now. I suggest every class check all their special abilities and check which ones are not able to proc Windfury / Wild Strikes, as there may be other abilities that are encountering the same issue on other classes.

For Paladin:

Divine Storm, Crusader Strike, and potentially Judgement* do not proc Wild Strikes like they are supposed to. We can only get Wild Strikes to proc on auto attacks (and probably Command too, which usually is treated like an auto attack, but this is hard to deterministically test as Command has a 1second ICD).

*(we are unsure if Judgement (both Martyr and Command) should be able to proc it or not, due to how strangely it is coded - it is possible that some seals should proc WF on judgement, and others do not).

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Can you confirm that it does proc from certain attacks that were known to proc Windfury in previous seasons (such as Hamstring)? I’d like to determine if this is a Wild Strikes-specific bug or just a nerf to Windfury-type effects overall.

I can confirm it does absolutely proc from Hamstring, Raging Blow, Quick Strike, and Sunder Armor, currently in-game. All special attacks are supposed to be capable of a windfury / wild strikes proc, period. In Classic Era this is how it has always worked. Sinister Strike, Wing Clip, etc. all capable. We cannot test Windfury Totem yet as it comes at level 32, of course.

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Bump, hopefully someone sees this now that the holidays are over

Trying out a melee hunter and seeing that I get 35 Wild Strike procs across all the boss fights. With… 97 melees, 59 Raptor Strikes, 27 Flanking Strikes and 152 Wing Clips. If you take out Wing Clip, then yeah its about 20%. Had the same issue with Carve? Like the whole point of running Carve would be to proc Wild Strikes. Otherwise might as well run BM rune on the gloves for literally everything.

If it is functioning as intended then I am astronomically unlucky.

Bump again, wild strikes should work on the class that provides it

Bump again should be working as intended and allowing resets for all classes and abilities not just some

Bump again. Even if intended, it’s pretty blatantly clear that some classes are benefitting from being able to abuse it while other classes are unfairly locked out of the interactions at all.

Another Bump. Let’s not let this one fall off. Lacerate / Mangle not procing Wild Strikes is a MASSIVE issue for Bear. An issue for Cat as well…but Rage and Wild Strikes would REALLY help Bear out a ton, especially since they are currently struggling a bit.

Bump for paladins, bump for druids.

Yeah this needs to be fixed so it’s consistent with all instant attacks. Pls Blizz