SoD Team is not equipped to work on WoW Classic class balance

Balancing PVP and PVE to a semi-reasonable state is extremely easy. Balancing it to an amazing state is the hard part. What we have in SoD in unplayable. Its substantially worse than any point in the game’s history and by a significant margin.

The flat 10% damage boost to two of the most overpowered and oppressive specs in the game in PVP highlights that the team is not equipped to make balance changes to WoW.

For example, looking at some of the top WCL runs, I can look at a run with a warrior and a shadow priest and analyze some of the boss fights and find that Wrecking Crew and Shadow Word: Death both contribute roughly the same DPS in said fight. Why? Because when a warrior has a bunch of raid and world buffs and crits a lot then you add 10% damage to that, it happens to do the same dps in the encounter as SW:D. But out in the world, wrecking crew is almost unnoticeable. SW:D by contrast will instantly obliterate over half your HP at range. It all boils down to how damage is done.

Is it ranged? Is it instant? Is it up front? Does it modify other existing abilities? Does it require ramping? Does it have resource or external conditions to meet?

Every warrior rune practically is some passive or ramping damage. Deep wounds was buffed to stack, which works great in raid but not much outside of raid. Wrecking crew and rampage both of pre-reqs of critting and passive. 20% attack speed on legs is passive. Flagellation, one of the only good runes, is still just a passive you enable with an enrage and overlaps with warbringer. Endless rage on gloves turns your 10 rage swing into a 12 or 13 rage swing. It all contributes very little compared to dispersion or SW:D or insane dots melting away.

What if instead of wrecking crew, warriors had a new weapon throw on a 12 sec CD that did similar dmg to SW:D? Their raid DPS wouldnt change but they’d be stronger in PVP. What if Spriests instead of getting a passive 10% dmg boost like they are, got a a way to stack shadow weaving up for their own benefit beyond the initial 5? It could be even better in PVE than 10% flat buff but it wouldnt be as good in PVP because it has more pre-reqs to apply.

Its a very simple concept. You dont need separate PVE and PVP modifiers if you just consider how easy or how hard it is to apply something in different situations. That by itself is the pve versus pvp spell change.

As it is now, warriors do half the damage of rogues and hunters until the last 20% hp, where they can then use a 30 minute cooldown with world buffs to quadruple their damage to achieve a stellar 4th place in PVE. Of course theyre going to be worthless in PVP. If theyre that okay in the most optimal conditions, of course theyre obsolete and unplayable in all the other game’s content.

Priests in SoD needed passive damage and got burst and utility. Warriors in SoD needed burst and utility and instead got passive damage. Its really a very easy fix to get the game to a semi-playable state in PVP. Also getting a calculator to someone on the team would help tremendously.



Link us the game you built.


read the post and youll see why its easy. They are obvious design choices for anyone semi-acquainted with how wow gameplay works.


why engage and comment on a post without reading it? doesnt that sort of defeat the purpose? Like why form an opinion without having a clue? You must just read news headlines and immediately believe the entire premise, dont you? lol


What are the obvious design choices here? Please write the code, highlight the changes that need to be made and repaste the code here to show us how easy it is. Have you ever coded? have you ever created a game that houses literal millions of hyper-critical cry babies?

You’ve shared a substantially long post, but nowhere does it hold any actual value. Nor does it incite any response from developers or programmers.


When I read the part where you say “its extremely easy” I stopped reading too.

You’re absolutely delusional, and I came here to let you know.

And that’s not my opinion, its fact.


I read enough to know you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Another player that didnt read the post be felt the need to comment. Code is not relevant to this discussion. It has nothing to do with programming. Its game design.

It holds incredible value. It highlights that you can make a class stronger in PVP or weaker in PVP by adjusting how easy or hard it is to apply the damage, or how likely/rng it is to apply the damage.

I cited actual changes to two spells that would have given warrior 0 raid dps but given shadow priest even more raid dps, but also wouldnt have made Spriest much stronger in PVP but would have made warrior stronger in PVP. A literal example right there for you to read.

It obviously wont incite a response from a developer. They just asked everyone for feedback on twitter and then proceeding to ignore all of it and make the worst illogical and uncreative change possible. The worst kind of incapable person (or dev) is one who is arrogant and cant see their flaws.

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Blizzard is more interested in developing great products as opposed to great games.

I don’t think it’s incompetency, and if it were it’s not like Blizzard couldn’t hire whoever etc.

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Game design eventually requires coding?.. are you… dumb or just slow? again, please educate us on how that is easy.


Okay. But your opinion stated below

should be taken as fact? No requesting your bona fides before accepting your premise?


I cite a specific example that would give Spriest more raid dps than a flat 10% boost and a warrior 0 more raid dps while simultaneously not buffing Spriest much in PVP while giving warriors more PVP power. You clearly didnt read it.

Its basic high school (or lower) math paired with a basic understanding of game mechanics. Up front burst damage with little to no requirements is always going to be stronger than stacking pre-req buffs.

Its a concept the actual developers used for a long time. From TBC to Cata you frequently see abilities that have ramp up as an offset to up-front burst or to introduce counterplay. SoD devs don’t understand this concept.

the following text explains and proves this premise by looking and comparing two specific runes



Demanding I read the scribblings of someone so delusional about their own abilities is not reasonable.


nah it’s more “i feel” opinions but nice try


I cite WCL. Im 100% right. If two runes are adding the same DPS to raid, but one instantly chunks over half of palyer’s HP in PVP and the other is not noticeable, we can look at why and how that is.

Its simple math + game mechanics. Youre wrong. You also admit you cant read so its a waste of time to talk to people that openly say they cant read. You try to call my post “delusional scribblings” while also saying you didnt read it. LIke how would you know?

Sorry the concepts go over your head. I hear the SOD team is hiring, youd fit right in.

Its not feels when Im using WCL math. SW:D and Wrecking crew are the same dps in raid, or very close. However a brand new player could instantly understand why SW:D is significantly better in PVP whereas wrecking crew is not even noticeable.


How many games WCL make?

Link them.

(By the way, that’s what’s kniwn as the appeal to authority logical fallacy.)

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Until you can provide any sort of programming or code fixes to the issues you’ve stated that supports your claim as it being “easy” this entire post should just get flagged for trolling.

See you dont even understand the premise of the discussion. But as you admit, you didnt read it! So how could you?

To help, WCL was cited to look at two runes that have the same PVE raid dps implications, and then compare to their PVP implications.

Using this, we can start to understand some of the basics about why some runes are having significantly different impacts on different parts of the game.

nothing in this discussion has any relationship with coding

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Glinda called it.

but hilarious. Stay baked, opie.

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I am. If you add massive upfront burst to a class that in the end has similar raid dps to a ramping passive that is heavily boosted by world buffs, of course theyll perform similar in raid but the former will be infinitely better in PVP compared to the latter.

You know it. I know it. Everyone but the SoD team apparently knows it.