SoD Shaman

Hey bliz.

Maybe I’m alone here, but dual wield enh shaman is nowhere near as iconic as 2h windfury clapping.

SoD looks interesting, but bringing expansion abilities and just dropping them in classic… :s

Not so sure about that one.

2h enhance is chad. DW enhance is sad. Hope theres more and I’m just being a disgusting concern troll when I see lava lash.

Hope its not just Season of Retail Classic.

The level gating is interesting. Hoping for the best… still.

Good luck.


You’re not alone.

Shamans should not be DW.


We’ve only seen a small taste of the runes, no one is forcing you to dual wield, it’s optional.

I’m sure they will add runes to support 2h Windfury playstye.

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Uh, why not both? Like for real, you don’t have to dual wield but still benefit from the new enhance abilities which HOPEFULLY they introduce.


I’m a DW Enhance enjoyer, IMO it makes the spec much more enjoyable and engaging to play. That being said, I think allowing people to choose between 2h and DW would be ideal.
I hope they do some talent changes/additions, that way they could easily accommodate things like this without overloading the new rune system.


Yer, not sure if they are doing anything with talents from the early look. Hard to say really.

But looking over the runes from today it looks very much like cut/paste tbc wrath abilities as runes.

Which for enh shaman means DW.

If you like DW all power to you.

SoD from what I’ve seen is try retail changes in classic. Add new content and phases in the form of level cap instead of back loading a whole bunch of content at 60.

Its a good idea and I look forward to seeing how it plays out. I guess I’ll find out if I hate everything beyond classic because of the class changes or if it really was just arena and shrinking the pvp world into a box that I detested.

At least druids get wind fury before you do :rofl:


2hand wont be optimal but if you enjoy it, play it!

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You’re not alone, IMO bring back pre 1.11 Sham, the “post buff” era only buffed Ele more and nerfed Enhance; neither change was needed. Imo I’m not even a big fan of the first ever smart heal (chain heal post buff)

Id pay extra for OG vanill Shammy, RIP actually having WF being good.

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You are definitely not alone. I NEVER post on the forums, but I feel like I have to to protect my class identity. I was really looking forward to playing SoD but now that my favorite playstyle is removed, I’m hesitant.

Please do not remove 2 handers from Enhance, that is many people’s preferred playstyle. It’s what makes us unique in Classic, every other expansion is dual wielding.

Using 2 daggers doesn’t fit the shaman identity whatsoever, that’s more like a Rogue. Let us use 2 handed axes, maces and staves for enhancement spec and not be forced to follow the dual wield meta because of the lava lash runes. At least let 2 handers also use lava lash or something.


Exactly! I will never play a dual wield Shaman in Classic. If I wanted a dual wielding Shaman, I can play retail. I don’t like retail’s Shaman so I don’t play it. They need to get someone else to design Shaman in SoD.


2h enh is a meme in classic as it is. At least enh will be playable now.


First thing I did when I saw wowhead had all the known runes was scroll to see what they did with shaman. Instant disappointment to see they went with DW enh instead of modifying 2H. Looks like I’ll go rogue or mage instead.


It wouldn’t be a meme if they swapped the DW runes to work with 2h.

DW is super lame, and part of the reason I hated enhance from TBC and beyond.


I have no issue with Shamans dual wielding as long as they keep 2H competitive in damage.

Shaman tanks will still use 2H for sure though because the dual wield rune shares the same slot as the shield rune. So a Shaman tank will still have to swap to a 2H when not actively tanking.

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This is the problem.

It won’t be on par, because the runes are super OP and they are all catered to DW enhancement.

2H is going bye-bye, and with it the vanilla class identity of enhancement.


As much as i love iconic hand of rag + windfury procs… duel wielding Servo arms or something from naxx sounds pretty strong to me and fun lol…

You can do that already with Warriors or Rogues.

Part of why people like Vanilla compared to any other expansion is because of 2H enh shaman, even if it was meme or unfinished.

Replacing Enh with TBC/WoTLK enhancement is beyond lazy.


Considering that WF weapon is not actually available until level 30 and the cap in phase 1 for SoD is 25, maybe the devs are holding out for a rune buffing 2H talents until the next phase. We know that more runes will be coming in later phases.

There’s always hope for 2H Enh Chad’s!


Im excited for Resto shaman. Getting Water Shield and Earth shield will be awesome for level 25. That Block rune seems great for PvP too.