Enhance should have been a spelldamage based melee bard type of spec.
Where different weapon imbues buff your party and debuff the target.
Ft and frostbrand should imbue fire weakness / slowing enemy attack speed slightly. Rockbiter is fine. Windfury procs should give haste to group.
Hence the name, “ENHANCEment”
2H enhance can be offset with runes making stormstrike into more of a cleave or sweeping strikes and applies the debuff to all hit targets with no charges. They also should have 1 more mild base attack ability outside of ss
Idk I thought Shaman changes looked sick. I know my wife who mains Shaman is pumped to try out the new changes. To many people are getting hung up on the runes we have seen so far, we have many more runes coming and ppl need to chill and see what we get
I completely agree, to all those saying they prefer DW and 2h isn’t as good. You can literally play any other version of the game.
Or just make a druid in sod. I think alot of people just dont want to waste there time leveling a shaman for no reason. We dont all have time for alts.
My first character was a 2h shaman ( before all the nerfs or even battlegrounds ) and it was the most fun ive ever had in wow. Was really looking forward to it being viable again in sod.
I guess I’ll have to level Shaman and a back-up class then just in case what you say does happen. If Shaman runes 25-?? double-down on DW, I guess I can focus on the back-up class and delete the Shaman. Good point, I hope it doesn’t come to me deleting it.
I’m going to play enhance in SOD only because I love dual-wield but I think they should make runes or alter runes to support 2h playstyle for the shams that prefer that
Fair take, if you like DW nothing wrong with that. It would be nice if Blizzard spends time on both styles. I’ll be honest, I’m more of a “noob” when it comes to games, I like to run up to something and hit it hard vs. fast. It’s why I don’t care much for DW because I feel I would rather be Rogue, it’s a similar reason why I never play Monk.
2h having no glyphs to support it makes it obvious it’ll be gimped compared to dual wield. Dual wield gets a new core rotation ability for more dps with Lava Lash, 2h gets nothing and scrapped.
There are smart solutions for buffing 2h, its not that the only answer is to scrap it and go dual wield. Lowering Storm Strike’s CD and cost, and making it possible to be hit capped with shocks (and cheaper to cast, such as a cost reduction proc’d from melee crits) would be a good vanilla-style buff, not grafting Wrath talents and Wrath design onto vanilla.
I don’t see anyone talking about the bigger issue which is how undertuned enhance is in general. Putting aside the fact that people would prefer runes that work for both dual-wield and two-handed styles, the DW rune gives a buff to a spell that they can’t even use until level 40 (stormstrike) and lava lash is literally the worst ability that enhancement shaman’s have in Wrath of the Lich King. Not only is it a filler spell in the rotation that is considered the lowest DPS ability they have, it’s also an offhand ability (120% offhand damage if the offhand has flametongue imbued on it, offhand damage is terrible) which will take 9% hit as far as I understand with yellow hit caps in vanilla. It’s just all around horrible. They will likely be the worst level 25 spec. Compare that to paladins who received Crusader Strike and Divine Storm which are their main abilities in the Wrath expansion. Also seal of martyrdom which turns them into a mana battery for their whole party and allows them to cleave. How does that make any sense? How is that balanced? Paladins can literally bubble and then do 200 DPS using Verigan’s Fist at 25. Nice balance. Enhancement shamans will be struggling to do 40 or 50 DPS with this setup that was given to them. Blizzard, please test these specs more. Tune them.
Patch 1.4.0 : Fixed a bug that caused an additional attack beyond what was intended. In addition, fixed a bug that caused the next normal melee attack to happen sooner than intended.
Patch 1.11.0 : Mana cost reduced. Attack power bonus of Windfury Weapon reduced by 50%.
Seems easy -
Two Handed Specialization
While wielding a two handed weapon gain the ability to get consecutive windfury hits. Windfury Weapon gains an additional 50% AP.
You can also replace the ability to get consecutive windfury hits with a third hit-
Two Handed Specialization
While wielding a two handed weapon Windfury Weapon hits an additional time. Windfury Weapon gains an additional 50% AP.
This rune should have been a buff to 2H instead of adding dual wield.
Chance on hit to gain a buff or effect from each of your totems currently placed. Unique buff based on the type of totem.
Water: Restores 3% mana and 3% health to you and your party
Fire: Casts a fire shield on you (behaves like a spell-reactive version of lightning shield)
Wind: Break and become immune to slows and snares for 2 seconds
Earth: Your next successful swing will Earth Shock the target for half damage with no interrupt
This would encourage you to bring out totems and make sure they’re out.
The effects are small enough that all four of them happening together won’t be overwhelming, and they’re different in utility so it’s not like a nuclear bomb of quad damage
Another idea for a 2H rune:
When your windfury procs a second attack, that attack is split in three and converted to one third fire, frost, and nature damage and each of those elemental damages are increased by 10%
This rune would be powerful because the second attack would ignore armor. You would also retain that old vanilla feeling when your windfury procs and you see tons of numbers, but this time you’d see four numbers in total: The 100% physical attack, and 3x splits of the other elemental damage.
The rune doesn’t give the ability to dw. That will be specced into and i guarantee you it will be in the place of 2h. No room for both because blizz wont support both
People have been desperately asking for 2 handed shaman being returned to the game in retail…then blizzard removes 2 handed shaman in the one part of the game it was in…yeah they really listen to us alright… lol…
While I agree with this to an extent, some playstyles have empty rune slots. 2hand enhance is lacking two runes and you have to take a talent for it. Melee hunter is another playstyle that has an empty rune slot. This could easily be an oversight on Blizz’s part, they did ask for feedback after all.
No one talks about how broken ele shaman will be with tanking rune. We have a 2tapping machine with 30% health increase, 10% damage reduction, -6$ chace to be crit. And you get all of these just with ES being on diff cd and melee range.
Your the most broken class in the game right now lol stop talking about shaman lol pally is literally unkillable with all their cd i watch pallies literally 1 shot several people in their 50% damage reduction bubble lol