How is the pvp on this version
depends on if you are a hunter, moonkin, elemental shaman or not
How about healers which are good
I think Priest are best and everyone else is probably on the same level. I’ve been thinking about going resto but playing a healer solo is a terrible experience.
It is fun enough but you got all these people who dont know how to PvP who will legit nerd rage at you for hours on end if they find out you play a shaman and then will claim that you only play them to do FoTM class.
Most shaman players did roll the class due to FOTM so it’s a fair assumption.
Only the tank specced ones are annoying right now at any rate, but that goes for tank specs in general at the moment. I’ve seen maybe a handful of DPS shamans that were actually any good now they can’t coast like in previous phases.
How is hpal
Fun for SoD. But SoD will either go into SoD TBC which I hope 100% is going to happen but…more than likely it will be a MoP Remix type of deal were are SoD toons go into era 60…problem with that though is all the SoD only mounts that would then be in era which many would hate.
So as Hpals go, if we get SoD TBC yea HPals did great in TBC, many got to R1 even in original TBC. SoD TBC they would be great. Hpal in SoD now is good but nowhere near as good as a Reckoning or the Hpal shockadin build which uses cloth gear as well for some of their builds.
Straight up Hpal though… it is fun if you like the class. And we go to SoD TBC, Hpal great, go to regular level 60 PvP…they do a bit better than straight rets in most forms of PvP. Hpals got massive single target burst in non SoD 60 PvP. I would recommend you go for it.
This guy just wants to know how hpal is in SoD and your respons is if sod tbc comes out which no one has mentioned ever, it is good? bro
Hpal is very good in SoD
Because they are asking about how well a level 60 plays when this version is already 99.999% of the way done. SoD is over now. Scarab Gate has been opened, people got their R14s, everyone has multiple level 60s, SoD has literally been beaten. There is nothing left to do in SoD. So why wouldn’t SoD TBC come out next or just have our toons to Classic from SoD.
And I actually responded with this about how Hpal is in SoD…
That is EXACTLY what I said about Hpal in SoD so quit pretending like I ONLY talked about TBC on it. learn to read. You don’t know how to read. That must be why you can’t get past level 10 on a mage in SoD, you are incapable of reading the quests.
I legit answered about Hplals in SoD… and you said I didn’t. I talked about Hpals in SoD, Hpals in era and Hpals in TBC in my post. Too bad your termite brain can’t read past a couple of sentences. Edit. Oh and by the way, since you are quite obviously do easily confused … look up what a Shockadin is before you answer by saying I did not answer their question. As I said about Holy AND a Shockadin. Shockadins are a type of Hpals that focus more on the offense. You dont even play SoD… if you did you wouldn’t be saying these things and you wouldn’t feel the need to hide behind a level 10 posting alt.
There’s never any wsg games any more but every 3 hours there is a 5man group free for all in STV which is lots of fun.
Rogues are completely busted in 1v1s(sebaceous poison and backstab spam in any position needs a nerf) but other than that SoD PvP is quite good now, almost great even.
I only PvP now(i might try to make some schedule changes next phase for Naxx/Scarlet Raid) but playing a few hours a day doing world PvP in Silithus, Blackrock Mountain, and AB is a lot a fun.
Let me correct that. Rogue backstab spamming, Hunter Kill Shot spamming, Shaman ele/tank, Shockadin, Starfire +Starfall needs a nerf. But other than that, SoD PvP is quite good.
The battlegrounds are an absolute blast on almost every class (sorry feral-druids and non-hybrid mage).
Ever since they opened all the runes at level 1, a TON of people either created or got onto existing alts, so lots of fresh life is popping up in AB as they hit 60 as well.
Nah, I got at least a 50% of beating a good Boomie and Paladins(that aren’t in tank gear) and a 90% chance of beating good Hunters, and I don’t play against Shamans so no comment there.
Rogues are unbelievably stupid though. A stacked PvE geared Rogue that knows all their timings can beat me 100-0 without ever letting me get more than 1-2 hits on them because they can just spam 1.4k backstabs with ambush procs through plate armor in cheap/kidney shot. Sebaceous Poison needs to be nerfed and Backstab needs to go back to being only usable behind the target.
I very much agree. But just because one class handles other classes damage output well does not mean other classes or spells shouldn’t be nerfed or buffed when they are overwhelmingly superior/inferior against other classes.
As an example: I do not struggle that much against rogues as a Mage. Does that mean rogues are okey and they shouldn’t be looked at? Have a general point of view instead of just looking through the perspective of one class
I agree all tanks are annoying, but none on the level of shamans. Most tanks need CDs to be OP. Shaman just passively takes no damage and is the hardest thing to crit in the game. They also output way to much damage for being so tanky with just 2 buttons.
They have already confirmed that sod realms are not going anywhere. They are not sending sod toons to era and sod is going to become sod era. Maybe they will delve into TBC at some point but who knows.
All you do is cry for nerfs.
Nah they are fine. They suck in group PvP and get globed. Let them be good at 1v1s. They make a single mistake and are dead anyway. Can’t beat hunters? Try getting a fingers proc before they get to you then just deep them and kill them in the deep. Or just hug los. Fighting in the open? Well you lose, that is where hunters excel. Gonna need consumes and snap to win that one most likely.
The game should not be balanced evenly around 1v1s, if that is what you want go play Boartail.
Just wait till you get ur t2.5. There is no reason in the world why blizzard didnt make it so that stupid tier bonus is not usable in Bgs. Usable in deadzone! LOL the only out play mages had are now gone.
do not pvp in sod or take it even remotely serious, you’re better off spending your time playing farmville on facebook.
Only if you’re Horde.