SoD P4: Nail in the Coffin

Wholesale class changes, button bloat, bots, off the rails economy, and daily quest hubs.

This is what happens when you leave the development of Classic to the Retail team.

All we wanted were new questing zones, dungeons, raids and a few new abilities to balance the meta. A year wasted with no hope of improvement on the horizon with a tone-deaf dev team.


They are “phoning it in” at this point.
It’s obvious.


SoD uses the Classic Era client. Can’t do wholesale zone changes without affecting it.

Who’s this “we”? You don’t speak for me.

And where do all these doomsayers keep coming from?


I did want new zones dungeons and a rebalance of the meta to have other specs be considered for raid spots.

However Tridiak is right we cant change the client. So unless we have a dif realm list aka different game version then we wont be able to deliver.

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Slurp…Slurp…make sure you get it all.


Stop saying this you clown. Its already been proven false.


where are the actual changes yall talking about

Patch notes and preview.

I speak for my 200 players. They in whole wanted new dungeons, some light buffs to meme specs and maybe a new raid. It’s just one sample size but the pop dip implies it’s shared as an opinon. The 10% who have stayed enjoy the changes sure and you’re still playing so you’re going to be defensive.

But facts are facts, SoD lost more players as a percentage of total than Warlords of Draneor.

SoD is worse than WoD by any metric of which we measure success.

I wanna live in your cope world so bad.


So stop playing and paying a sub. You don’t need to worry about if the population drops or not. End of story

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more like head down and butt up as blizz rails us once again


Well yeah. WoD had some of the best dungeon and raid encounters in WoWs history. If they didn’t have such a long content drought it would be remembered as a great expansion.

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Its a GDKP discord. Theyve been at it since the ban. Legit has a channel dedicated to posting and bumping eachothers threads and calling for mass reports to punish people.

Oh, and terrible OpSec.


I dunno, as a paladin I love these changes. Also there’s a new event in BlackRock mountain. And there’s even a new weapon reveal in the data that could be a legendary that’s connected to Hyjal so maybe we’ll be getting a whole new hyjal zone/raid.

Ability bloat compared to what? Original vanilla? Sure, to Cata or Retail? It’s like a third of the abilities.

Doom sayers are probably just Cata players upset because they know we’ll be seeing. “P4 Killed Cata before firelands dropped!”


What are you talking about? WoD was the worst expansion lmao


Yea I ended up cancelling. My minimum requirement to play was bm hunter being playable. It’s nearly impossible to get invited right now because it has low melee damage and brings no utility. And now it’s damage is getting nerfed even more and still no utility


aint that the truth lol


Imagine if the devs just made minor improvements and skill adds to bring other classes up. Example hunter doesn’t need all these runes, they just needed a bit of pet scaling, heart of the lion and maybe chimera shot and that’s it. Pallys just needed to not be auto attacking bots. Warriors needed nothing, rogues needed nothing, mages and locks could have been fixed with spell power items, etc…


I mean, he has a few good points. The button bloat is getting ridiculous. I left retail becuase of needing 15+ hotkeys and having ridiculously complicated DPS rotations. SoD really is becoming retail in a lot of ways. I guess I was expecting SoD to be new content with some tweaks to classes that really needed the help… But here we are, with Warriors and melee still obliterating casters in raid DPS. It’s a pretty big disappointment.


That’s exactly what i was thinking lol. They’re either misremembering or didn’t play it. Everyone just sat in their garrison…

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