SoD P4: Nail in the Coffin

THis /10 char

True and real. Based gamer spitting facts.

WoD Classic will actually be super hype if it ends up being shortened to only 1 year.

A) Best leveling campaign of all-time.

B) Amazing art direction / Warcraftian vibes.

C) A simple to understand and rewarding linear narrative.

D) The best raiding expansion ever with literally bangers every tier.

E) Doesn’t demand you to be a slave to the game to enjoy, minimal work outside of raiding, you just play amazing raids and that’s the game.

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on Classic Era i average 35 keybinds a toon. And i use every last one of them.
Three full bars, plus or minus one or two spots. And youre whining about a bar and a half?

Man i hope you people werent paid for this. Id want a refund.

??? Im not sure if you’re trolling but theres literally hundreds of reasons why WoD was terrible & the worst expansion of all time. Heres a few to list.

‱ Playerbase started off mid, but dropped like a stone during highmaul.

‱ Garrisons. It enabled you to not engage with “the world” that literally takes MMO outta RPG.

‱ Mission tables. This was just a mobile game for dailies. Terrible design.

‱ Free “legendary” rings. If everyone has them, not really legendary huh?

‱ Content drought. There was only 2 content patches throughout the entirety of WoD.

I could go on but its pointless. I had high expectations for WoD. It had potential. But alas; it flew too close to the sun.

I mean, it is pointless because your arguments suck. WoD was lit, the only problem is that it lasted two years when it was designed to last one year.

Not sure how it sucks when that facts are WoWs population sunk like a stone during this “lit” expansion. Another delusional retail andy.


at this point it should switch to the retail client :expressionless:


Thank you so much for speaking for all of us! Appreciate it!

Wah wah



Its gonna be bad bc everyone will sit in garrison and it will be a 1player game. The other stuff is awesome and makes the game great but the problem is its not an MMO so you dont see anyone and eventually dont care either and quit

It’s funny because you and “everyone you speak for” will be back for Phase 4 along with all the other doomers

They really just thought they ate? Did we forget Blackrock foundry? Lmao these clowns. Garrison was awful but u got the nerve to say Blackrock Foundry was bad lol
. :cloud_with_rain:

shrug i’ll prob be back just to try out how it feels regardless

Being that i came back briefly to play Retail when it was the tail end of Panda and WoD, that’s all I did. I mean, it was cool at first - with the followers doing missions and what not. UI definitely looked cleaner and cooler. But sitting there clicking popup buttons to do dungeons and stuff got old fast. That and the game had so bloated i had no idea what was going on.

For starters, no joke, i had to ask someone why they had a server next to their name when we were on the same “server”. And then I could figure out who the top guilds were or how to identify a prog player flexing only to find out there was transmog. Then they nerfed the old dungeons into the ground where you can pull the entire SFK courtyard and keep on running.

Oh look, another 1 post sock puppet alt. Inflation is everywhere these days.

Kara crypts will bring everything and everyone running.

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The questing suckeeeeeeeeeed. Idk why first time through it was awesome. After that a drag to get through. The rest is fairly accurate especially the banger raid tiers

The 3 exact things that take a huge amount of people and time to create. In SoD they’re doing as much as they can with the small team they have while mostly reusing existing assets.

I agree it’d be cool to have new zones, dungeons, and raids, though.

No pvp balance, tuning game around pve damage is stupid

No gdkp = no alts, no good pugs, no reason to replay content when you get gear.

Incursions are the worst content I have ever seen + they inflated the economy.

Gotta give props to the raid designers, enjoyed all the raids, they just nerf them way too quick.

Is saying that they are designing the game for: 1) overly serious guilds and 2) players that can barely play the game and love SR / easy mode stuff.

If you are a gamer that can play well and pump but just wanna have fun on your own schedule, SoD isn’t for you.

Imagine playing a game-mode in which you can’t do certain in-game activities because people on reddit and forums thought it was bad.

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