SoD is trash. Give us ONE TBC era realm please!

Sod turned out to be a huge disappointment after phase one. Which was actual discovery. Phase 2 was just spam dungeons. Phase 3 incursions with reused abilities that were “new” runes. Give us a TBC SERVER. Make 3 one normal one RP one pvp.


I would be interested to see what a total dumpster fire a TBC server would be after 6 months post sunwell.

Give them what they want Blizzard.


why would anyone play TBC when they could play literally anything else?


Run it lol I rather a tbc server than cata. Cata was not that great and when things started to go south. Season of discovery blows. And retail is world of addons. The addons play for you. Give us TBC CLASSIC BLIZ bring it back and leave it


Classic is dead but if it takes a TBC server wasteland for you to figure that out. Then I hope your wish is granted

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Yeah. You don’t really see people talk about TBC as one of the pinnacles of WoW. It was the x-pack between Classic and Wraith, which are both highly regarded…but TBC was just the x-pack in the middle.


Why not. Not everyone likes to watch the weak auras giving you seizures when doing anything in retail. A war within has torgast 2.0 11 new talent points, and rewashed garrisons. How cool.

A lot still play wotlk. And once cata drops a lot are going to quit again.

I’m on team do the thing, even if it’s for a different reason. Learn to recogize your allies.


Definitely bro I’m thinking do a seasonal classic to wrath and reset. People will enjoy that. Few months classic few months tbc few months wrath reset. But this SOD stuff is garbage. And cata is not classic

Bro you’re gonna get SoD BC

wrong, not hopping like when they first came out but not dead, some of the servers are still very busy.

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This will be fun

Dalaran has only gotten more and more crowded the closer we get to Cata Classic launch, and a lot of them are boosted characters. People aren’t dropping $80 on boosts to quit when Cata drops

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I mean TBC was good, but I don’t think it has a long shelf life which is why it wouldn’t last very long unless they were adding new content and flavor to it which we know they won’t.

It doesn’t have the hype anywhere near as much as TBC/WOTLK did. Most of them are bought accounts for GDKP gold sellers lol

Here ya go:

GD might get attention, but probably a more focused place to vent your disappointment is the actual SoD Forums here:

My buddy was actually really upset they didn’t keep a BC realm. He started back in BC and loved being able to play in that xpac again.

It may not be for everyone but some people sure loved that xpac.

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I’m curious, exactly what was it about Cataclysm that people didn’t like?

You say this like people didn’t use addons in TBC.

I’d be curious to see what your addon folder looks like right now