SoD is not classic, thats why we need fresh

2019 Classic was okay, but it also served as a reminder to players (including myself) just how crap the game balance was.

And hybrids who only like healing (or their subset who like PvP.)

That’s who classic is there for.

Considering that there is an Era server that is dead enough that the playerbase is considering it a “Fresh” server and yet nobody is playing it. They’re super excited to have 300 people in each faction guild. (Yes, the entire faction is a guild.)

You do not know what fresh is, obviously. Era is not vanilla. Era is not fresh. Please only speak with at least the most basic grasp of facts.

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i dont care about private servers, were talking about fresh blizzard hosted servers. they wouldbt be popular past the inital boom

Incorrect, actually. And factually!

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Man. The last 10 levels of vanilla especially were insanely rough. I remember running out of quests and being forced to grind.

i mean, im not sure how its factually incorrect, SoM was dead (fresh era server) esentially, and era was dead untill ulduar came out, if it was popular enough for blizz to do it they would.

SoD could have been a fresh era, but no one wants a fresh era aside from a few people

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I do, you overzealous toolbag.

Oh no, Priests and Shamans can’t nuke world buffs (And you can play the game after getting them) and you don’t actually have to spend 3 months no-lifing PvP in a discord to determine when it’s your turn for r14.

It still managed to keep all the other trash.

No, it’s a dumpster fire- but they’re hoping it would be.
(And not enough people care.)

Please only speak when you’re willing to act like an adult instead of an edgelord 13 year old who thinks WoW still actually matters when you lumber out of your gaming chair…


careful, he has years of private server knowledge about how popular their game is

It’s like Aguy, but as a 7th grader.


som felt fresh, but when comparing som and real vanilla, som is kinda forgettable. som feels rushed and untested, silly and borderline ridiculous, overpowered and retailly, and the game cant cook because the devs change so much and backtrack and dont let their visions play out. som just feels like coloring a page with crayons. vanilla was a mona lisa


By the end of this paragraph, I couldn’t figure out if you meant to type SOD, or that this was your assessment of SOM when it was a thing.

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Timing killed SOM. They launched it while TBC was on the verge of Black Temple opening, one of the most popular raids in WoW’s history.

If SOM launched around half way through Wrath phase 1, it would have stayed populated. More people than expected disliked Wrath. However my personal opinion is that SOM should have never launched if they weren’t prepared to make more impactful changes to the base product.

But then that backfired on me, because they delivered SOD to us in the form of a massive retail-themed sledgehammer.

Wrath fresh has no worthwhile comparison to vanilla, just like Wrath as a product has no worthwhile comparison to vanilla. The chasm between them is enough to call Wrath retail, which it is, to be fair.

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As long as SoD is live they wont do a classic fresh. By most metrics, era servers all combined together don’t even equal one SoD server.

So we’re looking at least until late next year once SoD is complete and done out for content if they choose to stop doing content for it. (SoD is after all, more popular then Era/Wotlk/Cata beta/HC all put together. We can check this through the various websites.)

So your still looking at minimum 2 years before they even think about it. And who knows, maybe SoD continues to stay popular enough that Blizzard decides to split SoD into a completely different team and continue down this line.

Fresh because this time I’m going to be the top 10% of raiders.

This time.


SoD is a cooked turkey :expressionless: Give us fresh vanilla already, yeesh. I will not be renewing sub unless we get it. HC is okay and I play it once every couple of days but it’s not the same as a real fresh season.


I think the only reason SoM had anyone was the classic fresh crowd.

If you put SoM vs SoD head to head in a hypothetical - SoD would win hands down even with pvp issues. Lower barrier to entry + new stuff would easily win out.

that’s your guess, zero evidence to think it’s true though :expressionless: I think the opposite

yeah, cuz era isn’t fresh… :expressionless:

tired of disingenuous people pretending that the current state of era has anything to do with a fresh vanilla season and how popular it would be.


Who in the world even makes this comparison lol

Dead, fully developed time line, hyper inflated vanilla server abandoned by devs vs still developing experimental version of WoW



I don’t even think you need to say you think the opposite. You’re on here every day dooming on SoD yet on Lonewolf it’s busy…

Too busy sometimes to my annoyance.

Doesn’t seem cooked to me.