SoD is not classic. No more classic realms? Where do classic players go?

I recently got back into classic and was having a good time with it. Then I heard about cata pre patch and decided to try it…

Well that sucks. Cata is where classic dies. I loaded up SoD, because thats where all the ‘‘classic’’ players will be once cata launches…
After playing awhile on SoD, it really isnt classic. I have zero interest in playing SoD anymore and Im not sure if I will once cata launches either.

The classic expereince is gone now? Cata isnt classic, SoD isnt classic. where is the classic expereince now?
Some new fresh era classic servers would be great, otherwise there isnt much reason to play anymore?


We need TBC and WotLK servers, pronto.


Maybe check out Deviate Delight for a Classic experience?



I think we’re about to see a lot more players with this perspective. SoD is fine if that’s what you like, CataClassic is fine if that’s what you like, but there are players out there who just want to play Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath, regardless of what the new, trendy thing is (“we thought we did, and we do”).

Era (vanilla) servers are still up, and I have a good time playing there (I’m on Mankrik cluster). People who don’t play there insist that the servers are dead and nobody plays, but people who actually do play have a different take. In my opinion, it feels much more like the Vanilla 2004-2006 experience than the 2019-2020 experience. That’s a good thing for some, and a bad thing for others, so it really depends on what you like in the game.

I think Blizz (whatever we’re calling it now) will release a couple more seasonal things at least, but I expect they’ll also come to their senses and capitulate to the demand for persistent pre-Cata servers (TBC and/or WotLK, maybe fresh Vanilla) before too long.


Try out Era or HC servers. Some are not very populated - you have to choose the rigth realms (Make a level 1 to test, orread Forums), and don’t believe the “Dead-cryers”, please. Speaking for myself I think HC is the most “Classic” experience I’ve had since the launch of Classic servers.


Roll on Deviate Delight, its as close to fresh as you will get at the moment.


we have cataclysm classic,there you go.if we had a server for anything someone wanted wow would be just a private server galore.ride the wave or play something else.we have classic vanilla on era realms running permanently,but they are empty so theres your answer

Era is here for you :slight_smile:


SOD is just TBC and Wrath encoded in runes. It was never classic +

Era is a great place to start because its where you’re gonna end up anyway.

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If your looking for the classic experience, really check out the ERA servers, and if your looking for something a bit more challenging and just like the leveling experience but aren’t huge into raiding there is also the HC server if you have what it takes, though there is some raiding there as well, you just have to be into the one life thing. (Defias has a much better population of the two HC servers)

You will find the servers have a much nicer population then what you find in either Retail, SOD or likely Cata, as most of the streamers and bots will have moved on. Ultimately though, the experience its what you make of it, and if your really looking to have more fun, definitely search out a guild that is compatible with your play style, and long term goals especially if you want to raid.


Deviate Delight is a pretty lit experience


Agreed its been awesome so far. Op you should try deviate delight

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I know what you are doing. I see it. :troll:


Deviate Delight is a great place if you want to start Fresh!
If you have an existing character and want to run stuff with some raid gear or a leveling character decked in treasured BOEs Grobbulus and Faerlina both have small, tight-nit raid teams.

Having a really good experience with the Benediction/Faerlina group! We are looking for more raiders atm.


Second that

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