Yea I’m looking for completely new builds to play. SOD is WoW 2. Lets get wild with design and items. Lets get some new Legendaries. Lets attain power from the Old Gods.
You think it’s incredibly unlikely that shamans might get a rune extending their imbue duration to an hour? Lol
Who cares about balance, just enjoy the game and quit complaining.
I’ll still play it.
those things are fundamentally in opposition of each other in good game design.
Classic was definitely the shining beacon of class balance before the runes /s
It was extremely well balanced.
I think having 9 new abilities would certainly get out of hand. However, I hope to see more and more passive runes that can act as a sorta Balancing Talent for a spec, or to empower a specific ability. If we can utilize more of these, we’ll still have Classic flavor and abilities, rather than a 9 button rotation of all your best Rune spells.
I kind of wish they didnt go the runes route and instead tweaked the talents, to make it somewhat more believable like turtle wow or something. With these runes I feel so overpowered leveling.
The crazy stuff is the fun part, why are ppl so obsessed with the details meter?
I think playing whack-a-mole with balance will be just fine for SOD. It will never be perfect and there will always be something, but who cares. This isn’t esports. It’s just a relaxing season of casual dynamics.
I thought sod was supposed to be for fun like league of legends urf mode. Why not just play classic era at that point?
Blizzard will do what they always do. nerf this, nerf that in response, etc etc, ruin game. Just get your fun out of it and move on.
I haven’t played WoW since the first classic server (4 years ago) . I’m having more fun on this sod server than original wow or classic!
We are beta testers…that pay to play and find bugs. All while competing with bots for resources.
Blizzard is broken from the top down.
“wheres the rhyme or reason for 1 ability (that requires no talents) to give you everything you need to be a tank? This is gonna get much worse if blizzard doesnt come up with some sort of budget system for runes power”
Well how exactly do you propose they allow classes that previously could not tank to tank without using runes?
They’re not changing class abilities and talents so how else are they supposed to do it?
The game will never be balanced, but that’s not the point. Season of Discovery isn’t meant to balance classic, it’s just meant to introduce new concepts like mage healer or shaman tank, reinforce old ideas like paladin tank, and screw around with balance to keep the game feeling new and fresh. The only game that’s truly balanced is pong.
To all the neanderthals saying balance doesn’t matter let’s play a tackle football game
One team will be made up of wow forum posters and the opposing team will be a legit NFL team
Who cares about balance? Just have fun!
pretty soon you’ll be saying that to nobody, because nobody will be playing and you will get no updates, like in SOM (Which died so fast, but SOD will be dead faster)
Nothing about vanilla WoW was balanced either.