SoD is gonna spiral out of control fast

And it has been a ton of fun.

No nerfs. Only buffs. I get if exploits or bugs are fixed, but they should never actually nerf something imo.

“Never nerf” is a very weird mindset to me. So the answer is always buff instead? Both are necessary to achieve equilibrium.

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When did I ask for nerfs? Stop putting words in my mouth.

Never said you did. You said we were throwing balance out the window yet people “forget sod isnt balanced” so there is new posts every day asking for balance.

People have no idea what they want

Unless it is something that is so far out it nears exploit, why make people mad? Adjust the low ones instead of nerfing the performing ones.

I don’t necessarily care about balance when this is a side game anyway. I think the idea of over powered characters with unique powerful and highly rare abilities ECT is cool. Think overpower anime characters and stuff like sword art online. Def interesting if you loose to someone maybe take a step back a realize your not necessarily the main character of this online world and that you got beat by either a overpowered bad guy or a powerful good guy or even a main character like Kirito the servers most powerful character. Be humble not self centered.

Yeah honestly wow has never been balanced but please, hate on the attempt to switch things up. Retail is not balanced. Wotlk is not balanced. Classic OG is not balanced. Enjoy the ride or get off.

Maybe SOD isnt for you

Its all about trying something new, tweaking it, and we are the test gamers giving them data. Dont need to take it this seriously, they are giving us something fun, and you are looking at it like its going to be the new retail haha :smile:

Plus if anyone ever said a class was nerfed, or not good, ive always made it a point to then master it
 i like the challenge, tanking bfd on my rogue weekly 7/7 mage healing weekly 7/7 all supposed to be “not good”. Its fun.

People are really taking the Classic+ beta test too seriously. It’s classic with some fun new toys. Enjoying it despite the balance issues. Can’t wait for 40 cap and 50 cap

Warlock is rock, paper, and scissors anyway. It’s the best class in classic, really.

And who cares if something is not balanced?

This is a one season game.

Where can I reference this statement that blizz made sod as a beta?

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Not everyone needs to have their class perfectly balanced to others to have fun. I would argue most playing SOD are this way. They literally told us before it came out that balance was not the main focus.

That seems incredibly unlikely.

Lol. I can respect that.

I guess coming from someone who is both anti Classic and anti casual Retail mindset, I see SoD with a lot of potential but both sides are crying about different things. Kelris is a mythic boss. Things are too grindy. Things are unbalanced. Things are unfun. It’s bad game design.

What makes SoD good imo, is that it’s unknown. It forces us into situations that might be uncomfortable. I for one, would never have thought I’d make 4 different alts with different professions just to do crates. Is it a pain in the butt? Heck yeah. But I’m doing it, and it’s satisfying (not “fun”).

Blizzard has a chance to make their own game based off of a Vanilla Classic client. I hope they make changes to what the player be needs instead of what we want. We already have Retail. We already have Classic. Time for them to make their own game - regardless of what we want.

remember this when Classic+ ends up being poorly imagined and implemented

Loving armchair developers here thinking they have great ideas when its just a pipe dream by the meager.

its already a complete shishow and only see it getting worse 
 who can burst someone down quicker!!! almost like they done this somewhere you know like in retail