SoD is gonna spiral out of control fast

Incompetence. Rushed. Lowest effort possible.


This is no different than what classic-tbc was. Awful balance many classes had 1 role/spec for end game.
Your also missing whats happening. All the classes have different scaling so some perform better and have better skill/talents early game vs end game. We are currently capped at 25. What seems broken now will correct itself at max level

yeah, Screw the balance, every dwarf for him/her self. more power to those who can find the ultimate heirloom rune/s and take control of Azeroth. Sort of like that gold plated lord of the rings gathering card

no it will only get harder to balance as more runes (variables added to the equation) get implemented.

The more runes these “pumper” DPS get, the harder it is to tank lol.

tanking has always been frustrating with people who dont play the game as it was intended but man its a lot worse with all these new powerful AoE abilities and lack of AoE threat. If they make tank AoE threat too good though we will be right back to WotLK where the whole meta was mindlessly AoE everything down without thinking.

If anything i feel like its gonna be way easier to balance this version of wow over something like retail. Im sure they are only adding a couple runes to each class if that each phase which isnt much considering you only will have a certain amount equipped really. Maybe if they add new slots for runes then i could see your point. I wouldnt worry too much about it though once we are all 60 im sure they will be quick to tune things that are too out of control

Before you go, can I have your gold?

Maybe you should just have fun instead of worrying about balance?

a game is just a collection of rules. if those rules are not balanced to be challenging yet doable, then its not a game at all. theres a sweet spot for balance and if it is not achieved then you have a bad game.

Heck yeah, lets goooooooooooooooooooooooo!


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Getting killed by a scorpid isn’t fun for anyone but the hunter. People can’t see beyond their own feelings. If something is unfun for 9 people and fun for 1, it probably needs to be changed. That’s the whole point of balancing things, to make the game more fun, for all the players.

I feel like you’re really over estimating how many people want sod to be som. We want it to not be balanced. That’s the point.

It’s fine, they’ll just nerf hunters 20 more times per phase and call it good.

Why is everyone always concerned about balance. WoW has always been fun because it wasn’t balanced. It feels really good and really cool when you find out certain gear works best with certain runes and certain talents which gives you a competitive advantage. Stop trying to balance everything.


Retail mindset.

I’m trying to figure out which i like less - the Retail mindset or the Classic mindset. I think it’s Retail for me right now.

why are you so tribalistic? we all play the same game stop being a h8r

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This development team is actually stunted in their foresight for game design. It’s actually comical at this point. Maybe if their lead devs spent less time simping to streamers and more time relearning simple math concepts they’d not have runes being 90% of every spellcaster’s dmg.

Sounds good.

Are we going to stop asking to nerf stuff or are we being ironic?

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