SoD is gonna spiral out of control fast

you see the spell dmg power in raid will shift the next few phases of leveling into chaos. Those who don’t raid will level up as per normal but those who raid will just cruise thru the leveling process.

Which is fine.
Makes foruming better too.

As I figured, it’s just your opinion, there was nothing close to a statement.

Games are complicated things that require intense planning. Issues will arise, but it isn’t from a lack of preparation. As for the “no PTR”, they made it clear that this was to avoid the discovery portion of SoD from becoming “google”, ie, Season of Google. It was pretty nice for that first week to know that everyone you met was experiencing the mode as something brand new, just like you.

So, the “conclusion” one could reach is, games are not easy and bad things happen.

What do you care anyway. Could’ve sworn you weren’t going to be indulging in this new form of retail. :expressionless:


SoD is essentially a glorified beta / fun server. Who cares if it goes out of control? Blizzard will learn what works and what doesn’t work, and design something better next time.

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will they?

NGL there were some duels in that tourny that were so boring to watch, the GMs should have killed both players out of spite.

Probably, but i couldnt care less. Content is easy and fun let people cook


But people have been playing Classic wow for 18 years and still want more of it

Scorpid poison wasn’t even approaching the gap from Warrior performance to Balance Druid Performance, Even if it hadn’t been nerfed Right now Warriors/Rogues would be out DPSing hunters in the high percentiles anyway

Tbh y’all keep talking about how bad the balance is and literally the only thing I’ve found to be imbalanced in any way shape and form is metalocks in PvP vs melee classes.

Aside from that my biggest issue is like LoH after a bubble.

Skill issue

why are we obsessing with balance? we play together, not against each other. Everyone’s strength adds up to benefit the group.

If you’re into paying to test software, I’ve got a game coming out next year that you can pay me to test. I’m calling it “The Day After The Day Before.”

So is this some kind of masochism thing or do you just really not see the irony in your post?

“I’m going to pay for this thing so I can judge other people for paying for this thing.”

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Ok Let’s just pretend for a sake of argument you’re right let’s say things get crazy ok and ? You’re focusing so much on things should be balanced in a certain way. You’re ignoring something very important FUN.

On top of that let’s look at hunters How many broken things have there been with hunters? And you know what blizzard has been doing fixing it nursing it buffing things.

I mean not to remain are you ignoring that ? Classic wasn’t 100% balanced either. In fact it was probably the least balanced version of the game.

Yet so many people claim oh classic was perfect even though it wasn’t If each speck in class should have some representation Shadow priest need to be buffed And so does boome

But Itemization is going to change that depending on what they do on top of that again, it’s a season It’s ok if things get broken during a season.

What is your concern exactly things get broken? By the time you get sixty you mean more broken than they were the first ?

Because let’s be honest here Classic was not Balanced by any stretch Warriors were absolutely broken Most specs were completely worthless.

To the point where if you were a class you had one viable speck That’s not okay and sod Is fixing that where we’re not there yet but there’s almost no meem speks.

Classic has never been balanced. It is one large beta release. Runes allows some dead specs to be viable.


Trying to balance an MMO is the problem itself. Balance shooters, balance COD, but doesnt belong in an MMO.

none whatsoever? thats nonsense

make warriors do 1 damage and mages do 1,000,000 then if thats true and see if anyone still plays

I mean if they had done a ptr people also would have found everything in the first week of it, kinda ruining the discovery part of the season. So while yes having things bugged out the gate is annoying, atleast they fixed it reasonably quickly and its worth it to have a bit of that discovery left after launch

I think how whacky SoD is, is a big part of what makes it so fun :sunglasses: