SoD is gonna spiral out of control fast

Speaking of made up. Lets start with this entire dumb thread lol

We have zero clue what the next runes will be. Some might just be QOL things. Hearth reduction, buff mana costs, who the heck knows.

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yes we dont know what the next rune will be, all we know is there WILL be more. Every variable added to an equation makes it more complex and harder to solve. 12 runes per phase we gonna be out of control in no time.

Like the Hunter class in everyway but a singular pigeon-holed setup.

SoD will be gone before you know it and people will be whining that it’s not sticking around for longer.


Yes and eventually only one Alpha Rat becomes necessary for all the females and the rest of the males start chewing off each others tails

The rune system should have worked like this:

  • Hand Runes: when added to gloves would increase either attack speed, Hit rating or allow the wielder to duel wield

  • Leg Runes: would allow for quicker dodge etc

  • Chest Runes: would allow for faster heal regeneration etc

  • Boot Runes: would allow for faster run speed, quicker dodge or attack speed (fancy foot work)

  • Belt Runes: Should allow for better STR, SGI etc or allow one to carry more pouches

  • Head Runes: Increase Intel and Spri

Yes you can’t. It’s called classic wow. Nothing was balanced in classic wow for PVP.

As equally skilled players:

  • Locks smashed mages all the time
  • Druids smashed mages all the time
  • Locks smashed druids all the time
  • Hunters smashed rogues all the time

Some classes have hard counters in classic wow. HARD COUNTERS.

This doesn’t mean you can’t win these matchups. It’s an MMO. You can face someone with less gear or less skill and still win.

But with equal gear and equal skill, certain classes hard counter others.

Arena would be pointless as 1v1 in this game. It’s not balanced.

yes, 1v1 was rock/paper/scissors
in contrast, group pvp was quite balanced :expressionless:

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Sometimes you have to break something more to break it properly.

I’ve not seen such a blue post or conversation. This is a standard response from someone trying to make a point with no basis to do so. Where did you see said admission?

well they purposefully rejected doing a PTR and let ridiculous things like explosive shot/scorpion poison into the game, what other conclusion can one reach? :expressionless:

What are you talking about???

The rune system not having budget allows Blizzard to dynamically fix classes who don’t scale properly. Adding new items can’t fix the imbalance of the game but Blizzard can prop up characters at any point by adjusting tunes.

im saying these runes need a universal “power” budget which is then used to build a balanced rune. I only used ilvl on items as an example of this universal scale they use to balance items across the game.

Hand of reckoning give paladin
passive damage reduction when below 35% HP
increases threat of skills

all that with 1 rune

shamans way of earth
50% increased threat
30% increased HP
take 10% reduced damage
gain less 6% chance to be crit hit


compare that with getting Rebuke

there is no rhyme or reason to the amount of power these runes are getting in their design because their is no budget system in the same way ilvl on gear is used to distribute stats

I get what you’re saying.

I’m saying you are wrong.

elaborate on why

The rune system not having budget allows Blizzard to dynamically fix classes who don’t scale properly. Adding new items can’t fix the imbalance of the game but Blizzard can prop up characters at any point by adjusting runes.

 Vanilla WoW wasn’t balanced.

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dont you see you mentioned the imbalance right there. “Prop up” certain classes or specs

prop them up sure, but not all with ONE rune. you want taunt? rune for just taunt. you want all the other perks that help you fill that role? get the other runes that allow that too then. but all of it being in one rune is the problem

Is it though? What matters is the end result.

Heya Eyr, I see the entire point of them not doing a PTR was lost on you. No PTR for a game with DISCOVERY in the title is a smart choice. EMOJI FACE