SoD is gonna spiral out of control fast

Many of the runes I’ve seen (I haven’t yet hit all classes) are like later expansions; they should already be closish to balanced…


Nothing about SoD is balanced.


part of their balance before was due to the fact they were deep in a particular talent tree, meaning you were not getting other stuff.

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Good. The entire point of SoD is to just throw everything at the wall and to see what sticks, it’s one big testing ground for whatever plans they have in the future, and they’re actively balancing it each week


Good thats the point of SoD. Throw the balance book out the window and lets break some stuff.


that sounds good in theory. get ready for people to not play a broken game though


Everything you describe as a problem is what I find to be fun about SoD. It’s the point of it.


Thats fine you can unsub whenever you want.


The MakGora wasn’t the most watched PvP event in WoW history because the classes were balanced.




yea it was popular because of the intense consequences…


I’m not really worried about balance or perceived balance. I know some of the loudest voices seem to get even louder when they lose in 1v1 consistently to a particular class, but meh…

What I’m actually sort of skeptical of is whether SoD will continue being fun with overpowered characters in an underpowered world. Like, the runes and stuff are pretty fun and cool, but do they make the overall game better?

I think it was a good idea to give paladins a taunt for example, as an experiment into whether they would make decent tanks with it, but did we really need everything else?

This might sound like a negative post about our new shiny toys, and I suppose it kind of is, but I’m still having tons of fun.

Oh, and I just picked up a Ghost Saber. It took me a while to find a cat figurine, but the cat spawned on the first one! I abandoned my scorpid (named Nerf, of course), while the ghost saber was in a Freezing Trap, then cast Tame Beast, but… it didn’t work, and I was out of mana!

Then another hunter came along and started casting Tame Beast! They were just kidding though. LoL good one! Anyway, I should have brought a mana pots, but I didn’t. My mana did regen enough, and I was able to get another cast off without dying, and I got a new pet.



Ascension does it just fine, and it way wilder than SoD. – Warrior with a charge and frost nova and Disengage. :stuck_out_tongue:


The hc pvp tournament was kinda a joke. The last fight was between a warlock and mage. The streamers were saying the warlock was super skilled for beating a mage. As if thats not supposed to happen. Classes are not balanced that way. Its rock, paper, scissors. Not every class can beat every other class.

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yeah it was the most watched because it was a bunch of streamers communities all mashed together

stop kidding yourself, no one cared that it was a wow pvp event. they were just watching their favorite streamers

streamers viewers watching them play a game that happens to be wow pvp.
not the same as wow pvp viewers watching a wow pvp event.

Yeah Season of Discovery is never going to be perfected, it is doomed to be a temporary season, who would have thought.


Balanced games are boring.
Checkers is balanced…

Blizzard is completely capable of balancing. The fact that they aren’t, should have you questioning why. I suspect it has something to do with stagnation. Also, players are going to complain no matter what, so giving them hope that changes are always being made is a way of pacifying. In Wolfenstein the players complained that the tommy gun was more powerful than the mp40, but they did the exact same damage, had the same rate of fire, and the same recoil pattern, the only difference was the sound. So, the developers had to nerf the sound of the tommy gun.


Typical player. You are assuming no planning was put into SoD. It’s not as if these runes were a last second addition and it’s not as if devs don’t have meeting after meeting regarding how best to implement things. True, it doesn’t always go to plan and things must be fixed but, there have been plenty of discussions leading up to the launch of SoD. It’s just beginning so things won’t be perfect. Level 60 is still a few seasons away and we should see far more in the way of balance by then.

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OP is right. Lots of nerfs are going to be forced to happen, because contrary to what some people here seem to think, you can’t just have an imbalanced game with no rhyme or reason to anything. it’s not fun or enjoyable, outside the brief window of ‘novelty’ :expressionless:
in before “classic was never balanced” lol it was more balanced than scorpion pet poison, i can tell you that much.


the devs pretty much admitted this though :expressionless:

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