New Phase not until mid-late jan/early feb?

Holy crap you’re 63 in a game that’s soft capped at 25 and hard capped at 60!?

Alludes*. Just FYI. Elude is to avoid; allude is to suggest. :slight_smile:


Even more precise: They said that SSF is coming in February (if you read the post)

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This is plenty of time to get alts leveled and in some bfd


I see the cata classic says $60 bucks to play, or theres a $30 heroic bundle but requires you to have a sub (for $60???) and the $80 bundle that has a sub and heroic items + 30 days of sub and a level 80 token…

why is a sub $60??



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I could swear that there was a video where they said each phase would be a few months long. Then SOD launches on Nov 30th and in less than two weeks post with this same question began to appear.

I mean I get that it didn’t take long to get to 25 (have multiples) and some people maybe aren’t on the Alt Train. It’s just that the information was out there even if a concrete date wasn’t given. They said months… I guess we’ll see how that goes.

As someone nearly fully geared from BFD - I hope they make it longer. I hope it’s not until March 1st-ish time frame.

They need to go much further than they did with Phase 1. They need to slow down the content drip. They need to make the “journey” feel rewarding (which is the point of Classic WoW).

I always said that I had “hoped” that BFD would have a massive server/faction-wide attunement event to open the gates of BFD that would be much like the Scepter quest for AQ. So that there would be a week-2week delay to even starting the RAID in BFD. Something to bring the server communities together.

Instead - BFD was just “immediately” available to farm and cleared in under 48 hours. It felt cheap. I want them to focus more on “the journey” and “world” and “quests” and “community” than just “pump and dump” Raid’s to 60.

Because, then yes, it will feel very Retail. And Classic+ will be a waste.

What’s the rush? Give them time to make stuff.

I could go both ways on this, since I only have two max-level toons, and only 1 with all maxed profs and all runes. I still need to level cooking/fishing on one. With another full more (or more), I guess I’ll add a third to the mix… which class though?

And fwiw, I would have preferred if instead of only BFD, there was a second raid, and they were both weekly lockouts, even if they had the same ilvl gear, and shared loot tables. It would break up the scenery, and make it much easier to schedule regular groups around.


I’ve just been leveling a bunch of alts to 25.

Just hit 25 on my Druid last night, going to level a Hunter next against my better judgement.

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The big appeal to me is the level caps/pacing of SoD. If they were going to rush is through, I wouldn’t have subscribed.

Do something else with your free time. It doesn’t have to be WoW 100%. Content gorgers have plenty of other WoW options if you can’t contain your WoW addiction.

I agree. The best thing they did with SoD is the time locked level limitations.

idk why against your better judgement! Hunters are a pretty fun class, imo.

How are you liking druid? I’m mostly torn between druid/paladin, but I might also just swap over and level my horde toons.


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We already knew this given Blizzcon.

Druid has been really fun; I went Feral and it’s really fun being able to flex into a Tank when the need arises, or the party pulls too much. Emergency healing is also great.

As far as Hunter goes, I know I’ll have fun, but with the rapid changes to Hunter the class just seems really volatile at the moment…like investing in Crypto Currency.

Rich one day, broke the next.

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I hear ya. I actually rolled warrior first, and after I saw the nerfs going decided to go hunter, thinking that it’s better to play a class that gets the nerfs out of the way early on.

So, I missed the first couple of days of crazy Explosive Shot, but got to experience the other changes, which to be fair don’t really affect the playstyle, and the only real downside is if you’re looking to form an RP bond with your pet, having to swap from one to another that rapidly isn’t a great way to do it. Then again, cats are much more cuddly than scorpids or cloud serpents!

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Plenty of time to get alts leveled up, then!

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Can also level alts, or can even play games or do activities other than WoW. :grinning: Though the latter seems to be a less popular choice to people here than when it comes to other games.

Good, perfect time frame. Idk why people want to rush through everything.

You spelt February 15th incorrectly.