Is there any known solution for the LUA Error when attempting to use FCM?
Things I’ve tried:
Resetting UI
Resetting CVAR command
A completely different fresh install on a different system
Have not been able to get a single transfer to even initiate since I started trying about 15m after they opened last night.
This is not an addon issue. It’s a blizzard shop UI issue. On the character selection screen. The same LUA error that thousands of people are getting with this FCM.
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That is strange, usually a LUA error has to do with Addons and the UI.
What’s the error you get, Kolgrom?
Nevermind… you posted it right as I asked.
I updated the title a bit for those like me who might be acronym challenged. I"m wondering if others are getting the same or similar errors.
Sorry I should have been more concise. To further clarify, this is on Season of Discovery.
There’s quite a few threads in the SoD forums of people having the same issue as well.
Same error across all characters trying to move from Living Flame US to Crusader Strike.
Yeah I’ve tried ~10 characters. Across 2 accounts. Lvl 60, Lvl 10, Lvl 5, Lvl 1. No difference. Also tried deleting toons I had on crusader strike to see if it was bugging due to already having alliance there. No change.
i got my mail problem fixed on the server but now am getting the LUA error as well. bundle of hurt the wow gods have sent my way. the GM who contacted me was very nice… named casanbree
Also running into this issue.
This is being looked into - but I don’t have any more info at the moment.
Same issue - ticket entered * Ticket Number: US101095914.
Been like this since last night.
I am getting the same error
Hello, I have same error. Cannot use free character migration services for Lone Wolf to Crusader Strike. Horde Character. LUA Error is thrown from Shop, resulting in characters with a new string of data under their names:
Normal Format:
Level 60 Druid
Error Format: GEAR Symbol next to Character with Triangle
Error (Red Text)
Free Character Transfer (Red Text)
All of my characters show an error now at log in screen. I can’t share a screenshot on here though for some reason it says i cant share a link. How do I post a picture?
Is there a way to send video/screenshot of these errors? Thanks!
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I am now able to log back into my home server. The “Cog Wheel” says “An error was encountered. Please come back later”
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You might wanna remove your toon name and “Wowaccount” number
Receiving same error
Thank you good sir/mam
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same issue
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