Which faction has more now on Crusader Strike?

There would still be pvp/camping, but there is no reason for raid groups outside of the Dungeon entrance if there wasn’t such a large incentive. While it would happen it wouldn’t be this bad

Since yesterday the door is 100% horde non stop. They Will still Say that alliance, a lot of alliance reroll or quit already, My guild is dead atm

During classic in 2019 it was never like this.

There were times when guild vs guild would happen around BRD when raids were heading into MC, but one faction completely locking the other out of blackrock mountain, searing gorge, dungeons (mara portal) never happened.

It seems it’s just the way these disgruntled scrub gamers want to play now because they literally have nothing better to do.


PvP at dungeon/raids entrances is part of the classic wow experience. No reason to change anything about it

Ya this is SoD. You must be in the wrong forum

Jump off the side into the portal thats in the lava… 0 pvp required.

Some people wont be able to make it to the mountain even.

If devs state this is the intended design then I’ll deal or move on to another server. I’m just bringing awareness

We cant move to another server.

Yep, your going to have to fight your way into the mountain. Guaranteed. It’s usually a good idea to group your squad up and ride as a unit into the north entrance and fight as far as you can.

That’s the game. That’s world PVP. It’s not even and it’s not fair.


Everyone got a free transfer

SoD doesnt have world pvp.

Only griefing.

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I mean has there ever been a period of time where world PVP was not synonomus with griefing? It’s open PVP rules with no constraints.

STVietnam got it’s name a long time ago. BRM had the same faction control and corpse camping situation in 2004. (Shout out to the Soldiers of Light guild on Thunderlord, I still hate those sweaty alliance clowns)

K …. Here you go.

Reroll on a PvE server.

You’re welcome for the free legitimate valuable feedback.

I want to be clear. This post is only for bringing awareness to a negative situation for the minority and over-benefit for the majority on a server. If this is the intended design of the devs, well we/i deal with it or start fresh on a new server.

I played vanilla and classic and griefing was never even remotely close to what it is now.

Now people cant even play the bloody game because these super nerd weirdos spend 18 hours straight camping 1 area.


People also forget Classic was like this in 2019 as well. You REGULARLY had raids clashing in BRM and trading Sappers(AND THERES A NOVEL IDEA. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DAMAGE 5 SAPPER CHARGES CAN DO? Now think about 5 fire mages with invis pots and sappers) and GFPPs. The faction that lost those clashes more often is the one that took the first opportunity to jump ship. Thats how single faction servers started.

The “ok we lost the fight its so over lets give up” mentality writ large.

You can either fight your way to the instance portal by organizing a large enough force to counter whats there… or you can throw your hands up, flop on the ground like Lebron James after a violent fart and surrender. PvP problems on PvP servers have PvP solutions. You are simply unwilling to explore them. Which means you probably shouldve rolled PvE.

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So, you signed up to be a piece of meat to go into the grinder…

…you voluntarily walk into that grinder…

…you get grinded, as you expected…

…and you come to the forum to complain about that…

Did I miss anything? Is the forum your end game? I hope you get some sick drops for beating the forum boss.

It was the same in 2019, in 2006 and on private servers, it’s nothing new, BRM and DireMaul are hot spots for WPVP. Welcome to Vanilla at lvl 60 on a PvP server.

Why did you join PvP server of 20 year old game is what I really wonder, did you really expect honorable and fair PvP ??? it’s been 3 whole phases and you still act surprised? dilusional…you had months to analyse the situation and switch to PvE but you decided to be a thick head and now you complain.

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