SoD AQ War

I think if they make a WoW2 it will resemble nothing like we think. It will be catered to a younger crowd with even less patience than the Classic crowd. Less buttons. Less complexity. Something that people with no attention span can go in, learn it quickly and feel like they won every day. Only to do it again the next day.


Does anyone care? iā€™m not playing SoD for MC/BwL/AQ/Naxx, done those 2093874203894789 timesā€¦iā€™m playing for NEW raids gd it!

I asked for a source. Thatā€™s not a source.

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which part was fun?

the botters farming linen and whining about being banned?

the cross faction collusion to determine which ppl got the achievement?

thousands of $ spent hiring players to kill other players on their faction.

the farming bugs for days on end?

guilt your guild into farming bugs for you.

the massive lag spikes and server crashes from the event?

it was almost as bad as phase 2 when everyone camped flight paths for 2 weeks and destroyed the faction balance on most servers. blizz lost tens of thousands of players in the process.

i guess you thought that was great too though, right?

They said that in the context of retail, that theyā€™d never make another AQ gates event like that in the retail game where everyone is crowded in one zone and crashing the servers. But if they do another fresh vanilla ofc theyā€™d do the gates event again, just like they did in 2020.

Frankly this is what makes it hilariously and the ultimate Litmus test.

Id be glad af to help farm this for my GM on the 3rd round :smiley: LETS GO AQ WAR!!!

Yeah, it was a blast. You donā€™t get player to player interaction like that anymore

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Hmm? I didnā€™t experience any of that. I hung out in Silthus a bit ganking farmers, farming a bit myself for fun and for the AH, farmed some mats for the server when I felt like in in STV, etc. I didnā€™t farm bugs for 20 hours a day because I didnā€™t want to. Unlike some people I know how to say no.

Thatā€™s the first true thing Iā€™ve ever seen you post.


They didnā€™t.

Ivanka isnā€™t what weā€™d call a reliable narrator.

As with everything else, Ivanka pulled it out of her backside.

Then thatā€™s on the players, not Blizz.

Would love to see a re-envisioned world event like gates of AQ, but spread it out over the entire world. Getting an entire serverā€™s worth of people into one zone was amazing but felt to me unplayable. If everything popped off at once all over the world it would be far more playable.

It doesnā€™t take that long to gather everything though. I mean not more than a month, if they limit the servers to a megaserver I could see it happening easily in the first week. Then the 5 dayā€™s until it opens isnā€™t that long.

Lol so true. All people have patience for is to click the start and finish event button

Lets be real hereā€¦ 95% of fresh classic servers are completely dead by AQ gates.

No point in doing the event again. AQ should be replaced with a brand new raid never done before.

Sulfuras server. Yes they did.

Then show us.

Saying ā€œyes they said that. The endā€ is not proof.

We want the source so we can read or hear it for ourselves.

Youā€™ve been asked like 5 times now. Do you have one or not?

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The answer is no. Aovona does not have a source and cannot find a source to provide.

Therefore, this assertion made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

These people only believe stuff that is sourced on the TV. Thereā€™s no getting through to them.