SoD AQ War

This thread is about Season of Discovery not Live (currently in the Dragonflight expansion).
The event is not gone for Classic as the first seasonal Classic servers in Season of Mastery all got to experience the event.

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I actually loved SoM. Even after the Terry nerf. :wink:

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I’m honestly happy about that and for you.
Seasonal is an interesting idea for Classic that I believe helps to liven things up and provide the “reset” aka fresh many look forward to.


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Can you show me the source for this information?

No they didnt cornball. They said in future iterations of the game, aka retail, they wouldn’t create a similar event because of all the issues it caused, said nothing about not doing it in classic ever again

Do you mean

That information?

Also I played SoM and took part in the event just as many here did.

You’re a great American.

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You can’t cite yourself as a source for information. This guy smh.

The souce was a Blizzard poster which is all I asked for from the poster to which you’re busy tipping your fedora, you cornball.

Not seeing the source presented. Do you always run around spreading misinformation?

This is from April and is talking about season of mastery. We are talking about season of discovery. Open your eyes step bro

You asked me to cite my source for this.
I did.
Please by all means keep being cornball.

My dudes this feels like November 2004 for me, the excitement of exploring the unfinished parts of classic era, I wish Metzen was invovled but I know he has hands full with retail!

I called up the thousands who were affected by it.

No response.

Do you have a more reliable source?


The only reason I’m wondering if it’ll happen is because their response to if the existing raids will be in the game was “When we raise the level cap to 60, all that content will be available”

So what does that mean? MC and Ony? Or MC, Ony, BWL, ZG, AQ and Naxx all at once?

Soooooo i have been thinking of that actually as of recently… More being less kinda like vanilla but slightly less. Like straight up embracing dead simple 1 and two button max pve ratations on tank and spanks with the boss fights and trash being fairly simple stuff but still ovvering a challenge via the players needing to maintain tight timing on events. Perhaps I tippedmy hand a bit, but no way micro blizz reads this crap anyway

Those people should have never been on PvP servers to begin with.

they were fine on pvp up to that pt. they rushed bgs because the game would have died

Perhaps they want you to discover the answer.
November 30.

Lol scarab lord run on a balanced pvp server will be a huge faction vs faction pvp event. I am looking forward to it.