SOD Account Restrictions: how can Blizzard help new players who are affected?


Classic Era isn’t drawing in brand new accounts that are legit…




Classic Era isn’t drawing in brand new accounts that are legit…

I convinced 3 people to give it a try who swore up and down the game sucks and don’t want to try it. Only for them to pay for subscriptions and then have this happen to them. Blizzard has shot themselves in the foot with this move. Not only did they lose three new customers and then what ever word of mouth customers they would’ve brought in. But I’m unsubscribing because the people I am playing with can’t use regular in game functions they should have for a playing account. This measure also shows me that SoD isn’t something blizzard is serious about and seems to be just a temporary pacifier for retail or classic players waiting for the cataclysm expansion. I enjoy the first three expansions of WoW, after that it gets dumb. I was excited for season of discovery but blizzard takes a week to talk to an actual human regarding your issue and then when you do talk to an actual human they’re still like sorry. Thanks for your money but we’re not gonna fix your problem. I’ve never once been happy with my experience with customer service and it’s just a reminder to me of why I stopped playing WoW after the Legion expansion. I had a ton of fun during the rerelease of Classic and was hoping to enjoy it with my kids and some of their friends who are older and more mature now but this idea that new players won’t use the AH, mail or trade, pay their subscription fee for full access and be ok for 30 days is mind blowingly naïve.


No but blizzard will get 2 months of sub fees from bots before they start doing whatever it is that gets them caught.


You’ve intentionally applied beneficial effects, colloquially known as buffs, to yourself, from bot-farmed mats.

Pro tip bot farmed mats aren’t different than any other mats.

A friend recently convinced me to try Hardcore Classic. I explicitly stated I never wanted to be “self-found”. The SOD update forces me to be self-found in which I really HATE and am crippled in the game itself.

Before this update, I was able to transfer items to my alt, so in case I die, I can use them on my next character. With a 30-day lockout on Hardcore Classic Wow, there’s nothing for me to be able to “pay it forward” to myself.

The only “work-around” for a new player as myself is:

  • My personal auto-loot is turned off.
  • My friend loots everything and gives me anything useful to my character, including quest items.
  • My friend keeps all the money and transfers money to me as needed for training.
  • Don’t invest or spend time doing any professions. It’ll clog up the limited bag space and I’ll be forced to vendor any useful items.

It’s really taken away from my experience of playing WoW and I cancelled this morning. I thought it would be fun, but with 14 days left before I can interact with my friend, it’s not worth it to me.


Crazy, because I’m pretty sure everyone here is either a returning older player, or like me, have brand new accounts. If you’re unaffected, why are you even here? We’re trying to get answers to something WE consider an issue that affects us. Begone.


How new are you and on which server?

I’ve been paying my WoW subscription via WoW Tokens since they were released in 2015. I’ve played and have has a subscription pair for every month since then with this system. My WoW game time is already paid until the year 2043. I am currently unable to trade, use the Auction house, send in-game mail etc. It seems that I’m one of those fringe cases that has been negatively effected by this. I’m now on my 4th help ticket for help, every response thus far has not been helpful. I’ve already done the steps in several articles posted on the WoW forms, Reddit, etc… They’re not resolving my issue. Please help in unlocking my account.

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I’m 100% sure their backend data pointed to these accounts being heavily involved in RMT. To us this seems nuclear but maybe they know what they are doing this time.



…c’mon, buddy. :laughing:

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Some brilliant middle manager:

"Hey, our metrics show that of all the accounts we sanction for RMT/botting, 90% of them are banned within 30 days of account creation…

…Therefore, if we prevent accounts < 30 days old from trading, we will greatly reduce RMT/botting!"

Absolutely goldfish brained.


Forum trolls

Funnily enough, they still left, but I know, I know, I broke the first rule and gave em what they wanted.

My first time paying to blizzard and being welcomed in a “excellent” way… too bad blizzard too bad. I will use this 60 days, of course blizzard will not refund to me, but I wont pay another time game.

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You could ask for a refund. Blizzard is pretty good about giving refunds when asked.

I’ve known them to give refunds. This is a legitimate reason to ask for one. They don’t contest charge backs either. Oh, if you had a paid sub card, you probably don’t have recourse.

The only way that they maybe agreed to refund something is if you already paid more than 1 month of subscription, if you only sub 1 month, your very first month, they ill not refund you anything because you are already “playing” that month that you paid, even if you paid before the release of the annoucement of the restriction and without the knowledge of it.

I rem when I started playing this game back many years ago without any friends online, this game was confusing as hell. If it wasn’t for others in-game helping me out, ie communicating/chatting with me etc I would have left and never come back! So I feel really sorry for any legitimate new comers. This is a really bad move imho.