Social Contract

you may want to check your source as the ToS has been rather constant from what I can tell via the document itself, CS blues, etc.

It is also not uncommon to have people resign the ToS in general, I figure the social contract is a short hand for that.

EDIT: looks like they amended the clause for being sued in march of last year. That’s all I can find in terms of changed. A dispute resolution clause.


I’m specifically referring to when the pop up appears and I have to scroll through and click to close the window.

I’m pretty certain it’s says something about things being added or something along those lines.

I’m not at my computer right now, so I can’t verify.

I know, it sounds like conjecture…but, I swear I have seen it say changes.

couldn’t tell you why it pops up as it does but I wouldn’t read that far into it. It’s shown up days in a row for me on log in and its been the same each time, again as far as I could tell.

They could change it at anytime, as is their right to do so, but I imagine there would be more of an announcement if it was a major change.


Agreed, which was why I asked my initial question. If something changed, let us know…and preferably without having to read something I’ve read before.

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Yw glad that worked

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