Has anyone else been having an Issue with the Social Contract? I haven’t been able to log onto the game due to the accept button being below the screen level. I can’t interact with anything on that initial page, so can’t check resolution size and the like. Have to close the window through the task bar. I
Wow, this bug still exists? Seems like a pretty high priority bug to me.
Anyways yeah, you have to change the settings manually.
Close wow, go into your WTF folder and then open your config file with notepad/n++ and then edit (or add if it doesnt exist)
SET gxFullscreenResolution "2560x1440"
and change the numbers to your native resolution. Open wow and it should be fixed.
Not sure why the social contract stuff came up yet again. I ain’t reading it and it’s a waste of time to keep popping it back up randomly.
Not really a waste of time. If someone ever tries to protest account action in the legal system, they’ll probably be able to remind them how many times they agreed to those rules.
I doesnt matter if you read them. Only that you agree to them…over and over and over again
Once is all that’s required. You don’t sign contracts repeatedly. Constantly spamming it is unnecessary and dumb.
Seriously. I didnt read it the first time so im not going to read it for the 17th time. Blizzard is going to do as they wish regardless. I cant think of one game where i have ever read the tos and thats going back to everquest.
Out of all of the possible reasons for the existence of the social contract, I personally don’t think this even makes the list. Who is taking Blizzard to court over a suspension of their account?
It reminds players about behavior, but more importantly it reminds players that they can report behaviors that break the social contract. I would imagine the emphasis is on the latter and it gives a fairly succinct list of reasons to report.
At work, I constantly have to go through training where the material never changes. Happens every year in October. It’s even more annoying, because it’s way more involved than just scrolling through one screen and clicking a button. Though, I haven’t seen the “Social Contract” pop up at all. It’s just corporate, bureaucratic nonsense getting in the way.
You would be shocked what people threaten to do when they get suspended or banned, even when it is 100% their own fault. I see the threats of legal action over a suspension roughly once a month or so. Some people mistakenly think they own their Bnet account or chars, mistakenly think they did not agree to a dispute resolution process, and don’t realize they agreed that violating the rules means access to the game can be lost. No, Blizzard does not owe them money for that.
I am sure the legal gurus do consider the EULA (the contract we actually agree to) and the secondary reminders, as important. Legal folks are like that. A lot of things, including rules, exist because companies don’t want to get sued.
use the zoom in feature? shrink everything? I had this issue on the forums…
Thanks so much for your reply, but this boomer wasn’t able to do anything with the config file or even copy/paste it into notepad. This contract has popped up before and I can’t remember what I did to accept it.
I understand as I have also seen it pop up, but threatening and action are two different things. Even if it’s something that happens, I still maintain that it is my personal opinion that it’s not a factor in the reason why Blizzard added the social contract.
Without inside knowledge, all of it is speculation though.
Hey Mirasol, do you have any solutions for my original problem? I’m feeling helpless because I’m so computer clueless :(.
Did you change the resolution on your screen? Or try putting WoW in windowed mode?
Well, my dog’s a Peke-a-Tzu, but yeah - he’s giving that look.
If this “Contract” is preventing input and the game is in full screen, there’s a chance that Alt+Enter would work, but just tried it in game, and all it does is open the chat window.
I tried that; it’s at 1920 x 1080 and it’ll go lower, but not higher. No luck :(.
Its how a bully operates, He hasn’t taken your lunch money in a while but lets you know he still can.
You really should try what Altesh said. It is a screen resolution issue where you are too zoomed in so the accept button is out of field.
Of not, maybe running WoW in windowed mode so that you can see and scroll the whole thing.