What’s the motivation behind being intentionally obtuse with this crap? No, you’re not going to banned for trying to sell a piece of gear in trade. Christ.
this is how you intentionally troll and get under people’s skin successfully without bringing up social issues. usually this gets under people’s skin a lot more. this gon be gud.
Its too vague and any of those things can mean a multitude of things, based on an entertainment company’s notions of folkways and morays (cough, cough, not your own, cough).
That means that on any given day, you can wake up and be on opposite sides of the law of that dumbassery.
Heavy-handed, clumsy, and horribly written; a FFXIV-style commendation and rewards system would solve about 80% of their problems.
If you link the gear and posting 5 times a sec, yeah that’s spam. We don’t need to see you force the chat pane to scroll like end credits of a movie fast forwarded.