Social contract. Really?

Congratulations you weren’t the target audience for the social contract, a reminder of what has always been in the ToS. Others needed it, so they put it out for everyone.


I’m not sure that being politely asked to play nice is a political statement.

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yes citizen, you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide indeed

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

For some, the simple request of “Don’t be a jackass” is a political statement, its kinda the platform of an extremist movement that is keen to reside on 4chan (no, not kidding) so… I mean, for some, being nice to others is a political statement

because approaching someone out of nowhere and saying “Don’t be a jac—” is totally acceptable. Reported for offensive language since you applaud this new system so much btw. Gotta hold you to your high standards!


I am not legally bound to be a part of your delusion.

It makes no differance to me how right you think you are, I will never bow down to your sick and disgusting ideology.

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I agree with Op 100%. This sounds to me like a slippery slope. Its like “oh we just wanna ban semi-autos”

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I think it’s great you would never ever attack someone based on their social life/values/race etc etc.

You need to realise though however, unfortunately there are people out there who do. This is to protect us against said people.

Anytime words like “protect us” are used it always gets abused. Just look at any Communist country on Earth. Heck just look at Youtube before it was owned by Google versus now where all you have are cat videos because everything else is banned.

To be fair, Anything other than cat videos are stupid

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This. This right here, depending on what you’re talking about can be an anti-LGBT+ dogwhistle.

Calling being homosexual or transgender a “lifestyle,” or “choice,” is pushing harmful misinformation used by anti-LGBT activists to try and deny and strip LGBT+ people of basic rights. It’s literally an attack and hate just subtle in delivery.

I mean, you can choose not to play.

That means you do care at least a little.

This verifies that the “lifestyle and choices” part earlier was in the LGBT+ context.

The social contract was basically a warning to people that the the terms of service exist and that they’re going to be enforced.

Tell me you’ve never been a moderator of anything without telling me you’ve never been a moderator.

You will always have users that will obey the letter of the law, not the spirit. You’ll always have people who find subtle ways to get around the rules and attack people. For example, talking about, “lifestyle and choices” in the context of LGBT+.

There’s always going to be lexical changes.

Being more vague and sweeping with rules, it allows them to cover the lexical changes and people trying to obey the spirit of the rules and not just the letter.

So you’re leaving then?

My being a transgender man is not political. At all.

I’m here. I’m queer. I kill bosses and loot gear.

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im sorry you feel that way

Edit some line breaks into your OP. It helps readability a lot.

As far as being mad about the social contract, it is just rephrasing the chat rules to be readable by more people. The mod bot is relatively lenient, maybe a bit less strict even than the old human mods. It just isn’t worth your worry.

Another problem with being mad about the social contract, is it is essentially the same policy they have always used internally. In the more detailed legal documents you signed to play, it boils down to Blizzard can kick you off the server or mute you for whatever reason they please. The social contract is more about transparency than changing anything.