Social contract. Really?

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oh lawd all mighty i can feel my arteries crying out

ive been dieting all month eating rabbit food and bam, pure sodium grease


i’m just starting keto myself.
not bad, i am okay with eating meat n cheese

I gained five pounds just through osmosis.

i want to hear your guys thoughts on the social contract not food.

Food is a social contract. Breaking bread is a great way to make friends.


Was there beer involved :beer::beers: ?

Only if I know you.

my social contract is food!

there is beers involved now!


Indeed. And people who whine about …

… often need to be reminded that it exists.

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To the liver!
To the kidneys!
To all the alcohol. That I pour down my craw!

To all, chug chug chug chug chug chug!

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We forgot the time stones. We are in the bad future.

so you’re saying you’re a good boy. exactly the way they want you to be.

you used to be cool, man. you used to be a rebel. a non-conformist. what happened to you?

I disagree.

Why do you care what people do on their own free time?

OP you’re late to the party.

We’re talking about the preorder now, the outrage over the “social contract” was a week ago.


Yes, now. And 5 years ago, and 10 years ago, and 18 years ago.

Yeah. It’s not anything new. It’s just a reiteration. Because not everyone is so mindful as you and need reminding of the basics of decency.

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It’s the same EULA you agreed to already, just made shorter so people will read it.


In WoW? Impossible.

