Social contract. Really?

Never in my wildest of dreams would I EVER, EVER! Attack someone because of their lifestyle or choices OR use words that people or even myself would consider hateful; And now suddenly I’m asked to agree to a second terms of use policy with vague words like “Hate Speech”? I could literally care less what people do on their free time, at home or with whomever or whoever many people they choose. And now in my game, I’m being told I need to be extra careful to not do or say something that may or may not offend someone? Why? Was there not already a ToS? If someone can tank, heal, or dps my dungeon/bg etc. I will never say a word. In fact I prefer not to. This to me is so sketchy, just another reason to get obtuse with rules that already have no clear line. It wasn’t needed and now just makes me second guess a game I was already on the fence about. No i don’t want a refund because my values now conflict with blizzards. In fact i was done with all this literal years ago. Unnecessary and sad. This should have been something the employees are asked. Dont care, haven’t cared don’t ask me a second time to sign and agree to something we ALL agreed wasn’t cool from the get go. There’s an angle and I don’t like it and won’t have any part of it. So much for the new expansion, was actually very excited. Keep your politics away from me, just wanted to play a game and not worry about all the crap in the world. But no.


In before the defense squad.


It sounds like this social contract will not affect you, so just keep doing what you’re doing and you should be fine.


What are paragraphs


You’re saying more than you think you’re saying.

If you really don’t care, with that much vehemence and emphasis, then signing twice should also be a nonchalant issue for you.


yes really… If you cannot cope with it I would suggest moving to a game where you can talk in the manner you wish, because you’re no longer going to be able to do so in public channels here.



A second hand emotion.


Lol who cares? No one reads that garbage anyway. They could put a recipe for baked alaska in the ToS and no one would even know lol.


we, the people.


I never read them either. Not keen on double speak.

Thus it’s irrelevant.

The social contract is just there sort of like how the surgeon generals warning is on all cigarette packaging.

Everyone mocks and criticizes other players performances in the game but blizzard now has to pretend like they care about how players conduct themselves towards others even though the playerbase doesnt care how people behave.


I care about my French onion dip. Getting dangerously low and I have more chips to go.

If you have to be “extra careful” not to commit hate speech, then your “relaxed” state, aka not being careful, is to throw out some shady stuff.

I don’t find myself having to be extra careful.
It has altered my behavior in no way whatsoever.

Food for thought.


Hate speech is rather finicky and at times for interpretation. There are some who get upset from someone saying hello. I know it’s an extreme example, but some truly are that unhinged.


it continues to baffle me that people don’t have the faintest idea for what hate speech even is.

there should never, under any circumstances, any context, in which it should ever be allowed in any public place.

“But but, muh FREE DOME”

bro i don’t care about your circular cupola and neither does Blizzard get over it like


Anyone who actually read it would know that it only applies to Azeroth. You can do whatever you want in Outland and Draenor - nothing is expressly prohibited by the social contract there.


Yes, Blizzard will ban you for saying hello this is totally not a blatant attempt at misinterpreting the social contract to muddy the waters and generate fabricated outrage on the forums


Leave me alone! Reported!!

How dare you have the audacity to even look in my direction -Karen’s of the world


Not my fault people have frail and frayed egos at time. I believe in the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Doesn’t mean it is always reciprocated.