Social Account Action

So I got banned about a week ago because people mass reported me and while annoying that’s just kinda what happens when you offend people now Im not saying I was nice but I didn’t use any gamer words or really go off on anyone I just asked why {Removed} we were ghosting grey Dr flags or sending 6 people gm at the start of the game as horde,I’ve also made the customary comments on people joining bgs in the boostie 187 greens and called them terrible dps who are actively hindering the team. Now that I’ve basically conveyed what I said my actual issue is they’ve automated it all they never gave me an actual quote of what what said I’ve been playing tag with them for 7 days they have sent me the same automated message 3 times, their phone line refers you to the same appeal system I’d already been using and Live chat wasnt even available at 1:15PM EST on a monday. Here is an example of Blizzards fantastic Appeal system. I do have an additional ticket that got the exact same response. And as for live support and phone callback it doesnt seem to exist and its been unavailable all week. BlizzardCS

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment
x3 I would send images that correlate what was said but it was essentially me politely(like actually) asking what I said that warranted a 14day ban. This is a repost as I’ve moved it from wotlk classic general channels.

Few things: You’ll receive a short description as to what lead to action on your account in your email. It’s kept vague for a few reasons but you’ll get the gist of what happened.

Phone and Live Chat support will not assist you in this matter: The only thing you can do is appeal until they tell you they are not going to look into it any further and any further appeals are useless.

If you file a ticket you will not have a conversation about what you did to warrant action. CSRs may give additional details but I do not believe they have the ability to do anything further. Again, an appeal is your only course of action.

Finally, when action is taken on an account it is not automatic. It’s authorized by a human and as humans tend to do they can sometimes make mistakes, which is why the appeal system is here. It doesn’t matter if you receive one report or twenty.

The only automatic thing that happens is a squelch, pending an investigation after a sharp influx of reports.

Best of luck in your appeals but going by the lone response you posted I’m not too confident they’re going to budge.


Auto moderation doesn’t exist. The closest you can come to it is a Squelch, and that just disables your chat til a GM can look at it.

All “Mass Reporting” does is get you squelched. If you are getting suspended, it’s because a GM looked at the reports and was in agreement. They do make mistakes sometimes, that is what an appeal is for.

From your description of events, it’s not looking good for you.


the problem is the last time I had been suspended which was in tbc they gave me quotes of what I had said and set a precedence I guess with the microsoft acquistion they’ve moved away from that and decided less details is better.Im more annoyed at basically getting arrested without any evidence being presented. “hey you were mean time to sit in timeout” essentially at this point im just sharing my criticism that the system is terrible and I dont think im alone in that opinion.

There is no cool off period. You wasn’t “arrested”, I think you have an idea why you was punished, from your initial post.

Yes, Being mean will get you into trouble. I learned that the hard way.


GMs have had this approach well before the merger. Microsoft has nothing to do with the actions GMs take.

Besides, it seems you already know going by your post that you were less than pleasant towards your other players, especially with lines like this:

This has no place in any part of the game, including BGs.


I’ve seen reports that the system you mentioned wouldn’t always show what caused the penalty, causing confusion. Hopefully it can be corrected in the future.

However those past suspensions don’t expire, so if you continue using essentially toxic communications with othere players, this could lead further into the future, just dont spam, be toxic even without foul language, think about how you command you should be ok.


yeah it was the even without foul language thing that got me I thought I was safe simply by avoiding key words and not really going in on anyone. But I’d be dishonest to say I didnt criticize some of my teams and obviously offended more than a couple. now a days it seems more cut and dry you were mean you made people unhappy were pulling you from the game for the enjoyment of paying customers.

I changed your title.

There isn’t anything done that doesn’t come off reports.

As to without foul language - I’m seeing multiple instances of F bombs being dropped.

Also looks like you have some kind of announcing macro for skills that is annoying your fellow players. Might want to not do that. Is it prohibited in itself? No. But depending on how often it fires off - can be considered spam.


I appreciate the response I’ll avoid letting my american vocabulary leak out and I truly appreciate the weak aura tip because I would never have even considered it and it could have led to later issues. I am grateful.I.E> when i said I didnt say anything bad the F bomb wasnt really taken into account lol because its so common place.

Not sure what world you live in but mine F bombs are not common place. In world of warcraft they will earn you a vacation from the game. No reason for them!


Im not going to get into semantics but I gaurantee you a large amount of the population frequently drops the F bomb.

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Just want to highlight something. Being actioned for “f-bombs” doesn’t mean that commentary of people’s DPS or using acronyms is allowed, either. You bring those up in your first post, so you have some internal lightbulb that these may not be good things to say. Trust that lightbulb.


Maybe they do. But this isn’t the place for that kind of debate.

Blizzard said they are not allowed in their game, so they are not allowed. Your or My personal preference in the usage is irrelevant.


yeah my current recourse is to try not to speak at all in battlegrounds and preferably with rated bgs only speak in discord anyways.Hopefully it helps and I’ll try to be mor aware.

Does not matter, Either way in world of warcraft it is best not to drop them. Plenty of people who play would like to not see them and this game is rated T for teen and they are very much against the rules.


That’s fine, but it doesn’t have to be extreme. Call out where help is needed, but refrain from insulting people if they don’t come to help. Have some friendly banter, but keep it clean, as if you’re talking to your grandmother or a child (both play this game).

Basically, if you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.


No, they really don’t.

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That like me saying as an Aussie I had no idea dropping the C bomb would upset people as its a common friendly term here. Of course I know people will be upset to think otherwise is nonsensical.


Yes but they only yell at there screen, and not make the effort to actually type it into a keyboard and hit enter.

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