So...blood elfs = high elfs

Told ya…

now end this madness and let’s all play as an elite high elf…IN THE HORDE SIDE !

I mean yeah they really are one in the same, sans an ideological difference.

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Sorry, I was looking at the Horde races and noticed that female Taurens have a weird snarl or something, almost a smile to be honest, now I can’t unsee it, why did you have to be a female tauren?

I’m like 90% certain Blizz will cave and give Void Elves a pink skin option.

I mean Blizz isn’t even this dense when it comes to their playerbase……but then again there is that 10% :thinking:


because yes…

“Merely a setback” - Alliance High Elf community


They have a victim complex larger than my butt.

Which is pretty damn large to start with so…


“we will see about that” - Alliance High Elf community

You must be high if you think I’m playing that

At least they’ve been fighting for something they want.
They’re better than the people who post just to be a jerk to them.

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Elite and Elf in the same sentence without a “not” in the middle is so wrong it makes me want to end the existence of the Blood elves even more.

Perhaps, but when they’ve been repeatedly given a straight-up “No, it’s not going to happen” from the blues, and they STILL refuse to shut up about it and in fact proceed to SCREAM LOUDER, it gets really, really obnoxious.

Now give us druids and we are set.

try it :smile:

Legit the only difference is the eyes and the factions. Oh, and I think high elves can have blue hair. So yeah, I think it would be lame to give alliance high elves, so might as well give hordies the looks.

The end is near for them, just you wait.

Why is people thinking this is gonna be for bloodelfs ? i mean can be for npcs too.

We have seen a lot of this before , even in legion and bfa and they never went to live.

You people have to chill.

As I said, at least they’re fighting for something they want. Unlike those who post just to act like jerks.

People like this are far more annoying to me.

It isn’t like blizzard hasent caved in the past anyway. Classic WoW supporters fought against a literal Wall of No and won.

Because Blizz saw how absolutely popular Nost was, and realized
‘Wait a minute this could be profitable.’

Don’t think for a second their change of heart was for any other reason than the dolla dolla bills.

obvious troll is obvious 0/10