Soaring Spelltome acquired

Props to the people giving their time to share real advice and helping others (Nasrajin) instead of complaining at the first sign of difficulty.

Also a big ups to the guys putting in hundreds of attempts and soldiering on to complete their goal, legends.


Good stuff man, I’ve got 2 to go!

Amazingly well done!

I’m on holidays and have spent a total of 3 hours since time walking was released on WoW.

Sorry to hurt you feelings. Can taste the salt from here, sucks to suck


You’re the WoW equivalent of the peaked in high school meme.

Quit bringing everyone else around you down, let go of the past and accept the present.


Exactly what I was thinking haha, I love the forums


I was going to say, jealous is not a good shade on him, but we need some febrese here now cause it smells very burned now.



What specs did you end up doing them on?

Guardian, frost/fire/arcane mage, BM hunter, arms warrior and hpal.



I’m personally just aiming for two this round, Warlock and Guardian, maybe smash out multiple specs for Warlock. Then to spend the next few months preparing my stable of alts to finish it off for the book.

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Good grief, you annihilated that man.


It doesn’t take everyone a long time to do :slight_smile:


Man, I thought I was handling P1 solidly and they just TURBOED through it.

Using Artifact weapons for double enchants and oils is pretty slick.

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So much so, that he deleted his post. :rofl:

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That mount is so pretty!

lol I love how they deleted it but where you quoted the whole thing it’s still visable to see. xD

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Haha yeah, that poor guy =/

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So far I tend to get him down to 5-10% before either Velen dies, the DH dies, or I die (it’s been various ways between each run).

And I got him to 0.7% before wiping in one run.

I am legit ready to just unsub once I get this, I am so mad at this game. Especially since I beat this challenge on 3 toons back in the day (this bear included).

I love that guardian druid edit, thats hilarious, I’m going to have to post that in a few discord :rofl:. And huge grats! Just curious, what did you do the healer challenge on? Nvm I saw your other comment. I really liked the hpal challenge, felt well tuned but on the easier side whereas it seems all the tank challenges are quite difficult.

Awesome! Not my cup of tea but that’s okay, not every part of this game is for every person.

I enjoy grinding old raids on multiple toons for mounts and transmogs and some people probably feel that’s dumb.