Nerf Mage Tower now or I unsub

It’s the same sht all over again, but worse this time I guess? I did get a few skins during legion and some of them were like pulling teeth because I stopped raiding long before then. I just came back to the game 3 months ago and I know for damn sure I won’t be able to pull those skins off by running mage tower with a bunch of ilvl 215-220ish alts.

I don’t like when they make content that is gating people out because they don’t run endgame content. The endgame content in the form of mythic raiding and high end mythic dungeons are already there for that purpose and looking at the state of the game I don’t think we need anymore of that - but by all means, keep using my sub money to create content for the 5-10% of the playerbase while you watch the rest of them taking their money elsewhere.

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Fury warriors was actually a joke… You have to be brain dead to not be able to complete it.

Why is twins 100x harder than this on my MM hunter? rofl

you are a Idiot…

I keep hoping some nocturnal elf or gremlin will complete all the mage tower scenerios for me as I sleep.
Or my cat, she is pretty smart, although she lacks thumbs.


only a few millions left…


Been playing WoW since release off and on. This expansion has been decent, I have noticed that ever since WotLK my dps has never been the same which is my biggest complaint. Back in WotLK I used to easily top the charts in dps or get at least top 5. That’s been my biggest complaint, no matter how hard I push my dps feels throttled kinda like a rental car that limits top speed. But this Mage Tower release has left me furious, no forgiveness. This game has now become a carrot on a stick where the goal post keeps being moved. As much as I love mmo genre and sinking my time into them I’m finally done with this one.


Ahhh brings back good memories. People complaining about the mage tower being difficult, just like old times.

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A question: would you feel happier if they made some slight adjustments to more reasonably balance the fights on all specs and also have as it used to be - either up once a month for one week, or up all the time?

Whether it’s up all the time or only for a limited time, all of the fights need to be numerically balanced so that they are more reasonably difficult and so that any strats we used in Legion are not invalidated simply because the devs cranked up certain baseline enemy attacks the day before this went live. (For example, you used to be able to kill Karam before Raest, but now on live killing Karam first results in Raest’s baseline filler attack becoming unsurvivable.)

The extremely limited availability of this content is also an issue, but Mage Tower fans will work around that if the challenges are reasonable.

Making the challenges available all the time would not justify the current poor tuning in my opinion.

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Strategies used years ago on characters that were very different are not going to work.

However I did say would it be reasonable if they adjusted the classes to be more balanced AND made it available more often. I believe it should still be difficult, just not incredibly so due to certain specs not having the proper tools available for the boss abilities.

I mean to be fair, you hardly play the game anyways so I’m not sure you’ll be missed

An estimated 2 million, compared to WoW’s peak of roughly 12 million.

“Only” a few million indeed, now that so many have been driven away by elitist jerk game design.


they were weak. they are not worthy of sharing the same world as us.

Can’t emphasize this enough, but who cares about me, a single player deciding to quit? This is about the Mage Tower not being properly tuned and tested.

This Mage Tower development failure is demonstrating the decline of WoW, and will further contribute to it. I am fed up finally, and there are surely many more who feel the same but wouldn’t bother to post here.

The last three raid bosses in 9.2 will also go live with no prior testing on PTR. Do we trust the devs to balance it properly? The difference is, as soon as the high-profile raiders start calling out bugs and overtuning in the raid, the devs will rush to hotfix it like they’ve heard some dog whistle.

PS: did you see this blue response by the way:

It’s been 24 hours, why don’t you put in the type and try it then complain later when you’ve put in at least some work? You’re mad because you can’t kill it in one night? Problem with the game is there is nothing to do, and there’s nothing to do because players like you want instant satisfaction instead of working towards something. So blizzard is going to nerf it and we all going to finish in one night and next time Mage Tower comes around nobody going to really give a damn because we all did it on our first night of attempts…where’s the sense of PROGRESSION. The problem isn’t all on blizzard, it’s on the community and awful threads like this one

This so perfectly summarizes the forums.

The entitlement
The tantrum throwing
The total tone deafness
The complete lack of self awareness

Bliz should award these people the title “of Karen”.


I knew this would happen, this game isn’t a charity for you to get free rewards if you cry on the forums. There are plenty of guides - I know I made one myself for the disc priest challenge.

They are meant to be hard and the rewards are meant to mean you are a good player so instead of nerfing them as long as they are completable then they should be left in the game as is IMO.

I’ve tried other challenges and failed because I’ve never even played the class B4 that’s how it should be. Frankly if you aren’t wiping and struggling a bit you aren’t experiencing the content. Why do people want to wipe everything out on day 1 all ur doing is leaving urself with nothing to do after. Leave it hard let people struggle, keep content relevant for longer.

Just beat the DH tank one around an hour ago. Is fine mate.

Correction it’s been 33 hours. They should have responded on the same day if they actually properly cared.