Soar speed nerfed by 30%

Someone in the thread posted the actual reason for the “nerf”, but you people all completely ignored it because you just love to argue. WoWs engine is an ancient husk. This was clearly done because of engine limitations. A massive amount of speedruns of older 3d games involve moving the player model faster than the engine can draw terrain and collisionable objects. Combine this with the fact that the game is online and has to send and receive packets to communicate player position constantly with the server. The obvious solution to this is to lower the top speed attainable in old world content. They just figured it was better to do it early on and let people get the rage out of their system and give them more time to accept it before release.

If that were the reason for the nerf then it wouldnt work at 900% everywhere else with Dragonriding going even faster. Remove your head from your backside.


The dragon isles can be made from the ground up with the top speed and engine limitation in mind to prevent exploits. It would take too much time and resources to remake the entire world. Oops! Tried to appear smart, huh?

Huh, that’s odd the flying I prefer is always 310% with no problems. What are they gonna say when they nerf it again to another lower %.

I don’t know why people never listen and then are surprised that they pull stunts like this. But have fun with that I guess.

Weirder still how 900% caused not a single issue anywhere on Alpha for weeks. Its almost like your pulled this out of you butt and are acting like a pretentious turd on the internet.


I can make a teleport hack with some basic memory editing and injection knowledge in about 3 hours. I could also go buy it from someone who’s already made it, and I’m suddenly able to not only exploit the game, but I can also move faster than anything else in the game - including dragon riding by a factor of 3.

That doesn’t require a change to the engine, it doesn’t cause the game to lag, and it doesn’t require you to remake the entire world.


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930% VALUE!!! :cloud_with_rain: :laughing:

Well, DF has not yet dropped, so you’re technically right. However, you did leave off the qualifying part of the facts I stated. Which I will provide here since you left it out to cherry pick part of the facts to support your lie.

It is, in point of fact, a borrowed power system if it is not allowed to be used in every zone of every expac already in the game and those that may or may not be added in the future. That is a fact.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

The fact this is even in alpha happening is disgusting. Who cares if they were uber fast, that was part of their appeal. Will they even go that speed in Dragon Isles like dragonriding? The whole point of dracthyr is to be the dragon, not have to ride another (and also be forced into visage form for dragon riding cause "dragons on dragons would look awkward… despite we have worgen on wolves, vulpera on foxes, and Tauren on literally anything… and that dracthyr can ride old world dragons in dragon form…)

Nerfing the flight speed is another bonehead blizz move of “fun detected, fun nerfed”. They got the preorder money from all the immediate backers, they got the preorder money from those who saw the Alpha and saw it as a step in the right direction finally… only for them to pull this bonehead move.

Who cares they were “Triple the speed” it was part of the fun, people were already making their own courses like flying through moonglade tunnel and whatnot or seeing just how far they could go in a single use of soar. It’s old world content to boot. If the worry was it in BG’s or anything else, just disable it there.

This is literally just a ridiculous change that is totally unwanted and ruins part of their charm. You might as well just put them permanently in visage form to further ruin their fun if you’re gonna gut them this hard already.


See, if this was the reason, i’d be honestly ok with it. But they clearly said the only reason was for the advantage, if it was the engine having an issue, and they said that is why… it would of gone over alot better then… fun detected. Which makes me believe it’s not.


world pvp still an irrelevant excuse theres many other classes/race with mobility/abilities to escape and jump on there flying mount?

Some people have argued that neto-matic is to solve that but don’t forget it has a cooldown/cast time so does Soar!

and isnt there a mount equipment item to stop that?

soar cant be used in pvp lol or combat its only a glide and you have to use it from high peaked places to even gain mobility

not to mention You don’t get 900% speed using Soar immediately, and it is a 5min CD

soar can only be used once every 5min and fly on one continent

someone on a steady 310% speed mount or taking portals “theres more portal than just mages portals” or any other way of transportation can catch up in that time very easily which i feel make’s the argument irrelevant


The issue is that Soar was still ineffective compared to dragonriding in that it didn’t get all the perks, had a cooldown that didn’t start till you landed, and then the excuse Blizzard gave was about as solid as a tissue soaked in bleach water. To then nerf it so it’s absolutely slower than dragonriding, because of it being “too advantageous over others in relation to old raids, pet battles (wut?), and outdated content” is just laughable. I’m so much more engaged now when I just continue to point a direction and hit auto run while flying and go afk tabbed out to watch YouTube.

It’s not just “oh they lost some speed” it’s “oh they were rendered basically useless as now the enjoyment of it in old worlds or races or even on Dragon Isles is now completely removed”.


I hope they nerf it again, you shouldn’t get a 50% advantage over other races moving in old content.

Says the Paladin that can bubble and hearth in pvp :hugs:


I highly doubt ANY of you would be touching the dracthyr race anyway so how does it bother you people when I know none of you will be rolling one since those same people who whined about evoker being dracthyr only are the same ones who whine about the nerf to soar. Cut the act you people none of you would roll a dracthyr.

Because it actually is completely worthless now. lmfao, how do people not even realize that? 5 minute cooldown. For something that is so inferior to use compared to your no CD max speed dragon mount. Someone seeing you “soar” is likely equivalent to having the bloody runs in the air, and need I remind you dragons don’t really have underwear. Or pants. So it’s too inferior to use in the new content zones that every new dracthyr will ACTUALLY be playing, and too “OP” fast for older content that Dracthyr basically can’t even partake in because they’re over level 60 after they leave the starting area which roughly translates to content no one will be doing after DF launch. It’s basically spell bloat at this point. Restore the speed, or only nerf it in older content, NOT the dragon isles, or keep the nerf, /puke, but remove the CD, or remove Soar. This is Blizzard, though, so laziest possible option that no one else thinks should even be an option=best option.

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Your post reeks of masked bitterness.


lmfao that’s not even the point of WHY dracthyr look awkward on dragons. It’s the fact they have wings that should be perfectly capable of carrying them as their mounts do, so it just looks like the epitome of redundancy. And we can see that in action now they they can ride them without being in visage form.

IMO, they should just give us tiny namor sized anklet flappers to truly represent the fantasy of being a dragon with useless wings. You know, because Blizzard is all about accurate class fantasy.

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OLD CONTENT Why does it even matter? It’s old content that isn’t competitive anymore. Undo the nerf and allow dragon riding everywhere.


Exactly, I want to really highlight how stupid this decision is. We ALL know dragonflying is supposed to eventually be available to everyone everywhere in the future as they have stated that in prior interviews, so WHY NOT HAVE IT AT THE START.

They are making the SAME mistake they always do here by holding something back unnecessarily and also ruining the new class in the process. Remember in Legion with RNG legiondaries and they waited until the very end to release an NPC that you can buy them from that should have been there at the start that would have DRASTICALLY improved the game for everyone? This situation is no different, stop ruining the new class and bring everyone else up to it’s standard by releasing dragonflying in the old world for everyone it’s a major feature of the expansion that players should be able to use everywhere during the expansion.