So...about that Netflix advert from on Twitter

SO, when’s our WoW netflix coming out? Warcraft (the movie) was left at baby Thrall. Add his story.

Arthas’s timeline is basically already written in the Golden novels, so it’s cannon that the two met at one point.

Start with this as the basis of the show.

So there’s no reason not to have some sort of Netflix series here.

(It was pointed out that Netflix isn’t available in China. There’s a million other streaming services out there that could partake in this venture.)

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Didn’t Guldan infuse “baby Thrall” with fel at the end of that movie? Doesn’t sound canon to me.

unless blizzard where to include a clause that says they cant change any of the major lore characters or plot points whatsoever…which hollywood/netflix would never agree to.

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Eh? I thought he turned green because Dreka traveled while giving birth.

Guldan just did a Lion King moment with Thrall.


Maybe. It’s been 8 yrs since I watched it.

thats what went down guldan took life from a fawn or deer and gave it to thrall

Meh. I still say that if they do a show it shouldn’t be about any pre-established characters or storylines. They can exist and make cameos…but the story should be something completely new and the focus should be on entertaining non-WoW/Warcraft players.

Think Fallout or Cyberpunk…which were both incredibly successful and boosted their respective IPs.


Its not. The movie director literally got permission to rewrite lore as they saw fit. 0/10 garbage.


thats what i hate about these directors has so much source material and went nope ill say what happens. to many games to shows was killed off due to dumb directors


if they’re going to rewrite the established lore of warcraft franchise like the first one, I hope a second movie never comes out

can’t trust anyone to do a better job than what warcraft really is


now now that’s the wrong type of thinking lol
i am still mad how they butchered the halo show

Creative license was necessary to get people to the theater in the first place. Otherwise why would anyone pay to watch a story they already know?

A film version that adheres to lore would’ve made sense a decade earlier, or even before WoW was even out. Warcraft already had a fanbase before the MMO.

Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Dune say hi.


spiderman batman also superman lol want in on this


Yeah there are weird people out there that really dislike reading. Luckily there are some directors that follow the source material.

Kind of, in the case of Harry Potter.

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Folks, look, I get it. I’m a huge Stephen King nerd and get PO’d when there’s a lot of things done to my favorite stories.

The Dark Tower movie was a travesty for the fact that it was even loosely based on a 7 novel series. Originally, I was against the casting of Idris because his casting messes with a huge plotline of another character and just the lore in general.

I got over that when I watched the movie. The casting was the least of my worries. Yes, the story was horrible, disjointed and really makes little sense and really had nothing to do with the actual Dark Tower as a whole.

Idris worked for me as Roland though. As much as I hated the movie, Idris worked for me.

The Warcraft movie was 100 times better than what Dark Tower fans were given.

Even with the bizarre lore changes. Yeah, Felled up Gul’dan was a weird choice, but I figured, “Let’s just roll with it.”

I like movies like The Stand even Kubrick’s version of The Shining (which is similar, but different than the novel).

At least I got what was going on in Warcraft. And I’ve read the DT series like 19 times. But that wasn’t a Dark Tower movie.

That’s where I’m coming from on this.


its not just the directors it has to be the actors and actresses has to get to know the character they are playing as

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Read what I wrote above your last comment. Idris had never read the novels. So he didn’t know about the second book.

But I do agree. There should be some homework done.

Nah I disagree with this.

A good actor/actress can fake it to make it.

Aww baby thrall he is so cute, Rita stole him though sorry about that. But you’ll see it in the movie I’m sure.

But when Rita became queen (first time, lich queen history) he started his angst phase and disagreed. He was fine again by the second time Rita became queen (before she murdered her new husband Anduin)