So you're telling us

You’re not really addressing my point though. This post is about whether or not Blizzard is listening to the “playerbase”. My point is that there is no monolithic group of people that can be satisfied with any given change being made to the game, due to how the game is trying to please a great number of play styles at the same time.

Yeap, it’s no different from masterloots removal. You always COULD use personal loot in your groups. (Since it was instated anyways) But Blizzard took away the choice NOT to.

So what happens when you recommend something and some other players don’t like your recommendation or disagree with it?

Congratulations. You proved that using that thread as any sort of backing evidence is useless. The exact point Abendroth was making.

Assuming a playerbase of millions of players (which i think is conservative, your “thousands” are 1-2%. When you drop a penny, do you insist on picking it up? Do you even notice? That’s what your “thousands” are to them. You’re the penny that fell out of their pocket.

Aben was actually, here and elsewhere, making the point that only the negative feedback should be disregarded. My point is by that logic (which appears sound), all feedback should be.

You’re blowing an edge case a bit out of proportion, IMO. Mine the other day in the other thread was too, admittedly (in case you missed it, at my teenage-era job in retail, our manager let a woman return an 8-10 yr-old bicycle that we didn’t even carry).

I’ve seen many, many first-hand accounts of mild customer entitlement, e.g. “my burger didn’t have enough onions, I want a refund (after eating most of it)”, “I dropped my phone walking out the door just now, replace it for free”, and countless others.

Customers are, by and large, jerks.

That’s understandable. It’s when in circumstances like this but nothing’s broken yet they try to fix it. It once they broke it by trying to fix it, we then give feedback that goes ignored such as portal removal thing.

I’m not going to hold my me.




I’ve been thinking about that… I couldn’t come up with anything.


I can’t wait to walk around in 10 year old content. Nothing sounds more exciting and checking out that bush! Or that giant level 5 spider!


It is almost like they own this game. It almost feels like you have no say what so ever of what they do with their property… It is shocking

Sarcasm is strong.

Their reasoning is that they’ve always taken out portals, which is patently false.

The only portals they’ve ever removed were the WotLK Dalaran portals - minus the Caverns of Time one which they left in - and they gave those back to us in Cata or MoP - can’t remember which.

They didn’t remove Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, or Legion portal hubs at all until now. So their saying that they always remove portals and just hadn’t gotten around to it is a lie. Removing portals from one expansion - which they then gave back - does not “we always do this” make.


“You think you do, but you dont”

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so leave the forums and be done with it

the meme’d comment wasnt funny then and it isnt funny now
you children don’t realize that the game was brutal compared to what it is now

If it makes you feel better the 1k post for guardian Druid feedback that I believe started in BETA has been ignored too

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You think you do but you dont is their mantra and its not gonna change until staffing changes are made