So you're telling us

Can I see your data, amigo? You’re not helping any hyperbole by adding to the silly narrative.

People should be discussing the topic, not falling back to imaginary numbers when their points are utterly rebuked.


Probably looked at the “frequent posters” and those other stats at the top of the post, and did some math.


Agreed the forum uprising against this change has very little to do with the portals being eliminated. It’s just the easiest target at the moment to vent anger at Blizzard for a lot of other things. I had already decided to cancel my subscription a couple of weeks ago, so as of today I am unsubbed. And so I wave goodbye to you all - perhaps our paths will meet again or perhaps not. All I know is when I’m not enjoying myself playing a game, it’s time to move on, regardless of how much time and money I’ve spent on it.

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No, our money is a vote, and our feedback is an indication of whether we’ll keep paying or not.

Customer: Hey, I’d like a cheeseburger, please.
Business: Here’s your grilled cheese sandwich!
Customer: … uh, what? That’s not what I asked for.
Business: Hey, this is my business and I do whatever I want, your feedback is not a vote.


It’s a weird catch-22. When you unsub, Blizzard doesn’t know why (even via the re-instated poll. Who knows if they actually care about that data). Ghostcrawler wrote a dev’s perspective in a blog about that and basically confirmed that unsubbing doesn’t tell them anything–they end up attributing it to the content cycle or some other metric.

So, people unsub, but they complain in public places first. In doing that, they are told by defenders that they are wrong to whine/do so, and that they should just shut up and go away.

So if they do that, next Q&A rolls around and we get to watch Ion and Lore wring their hands and say; “Well, if only we’d have gotten feedback on it…”


You pay for a chessburger and you should get one, we’ll agree on that.

But WoW you only pay for server access. Nothing else. If the access isn’t to your liking, you can just stop paying for it.

It was too green. It made my eyes water something fierce.

Or the regulars will shrug, say, go get em, Joe!" and go back to their coffee and pancakes.

Those 24 posters account for about 2200 of those 5100 posts. That’s the case with most popular complains. Just a few very loud mouths.


Is that portal in the portal room? Or in an area where I have to be 120 and gone through the opening quests for BFA to access. What about players who haven’t upgraded to BFA? There are lots of those that run around in game… Try looking at things from other than one myopic point of view.


And those 5 defenders are just as loud and just as tedious.

See what I did there? See how we aren’t actually talking about anything actually quantifiable or even relevant?

That’s a troll tactic, btw. To derail by distracting from the actual subject.

Don’t be a troll.


Im just saying to stop using post counts as an argument for it being popular. Forums are already a minority.

And of course there’s only 5 defenders or so you think. You know what people that like the game usually do?

Yep they play the game.

Saying that is as meaningless as dismissing all forum feedback because “forums are always negative.”

Everything you’re saying right now

  1. has nothing to do with the subject
  2. is unquantifiable–even with stats and “upvotes” you don’t know who is who’s alt or buddy or w/e
  3. This might be stunning but people who are unhappy with the game are just as likely to be playing the game too.

C’mon. I can tell from some of your posts you are quite intelligent. You’re better than this.

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Actually you pay to participate in a game. When the game no longer is fun, and has removed a lot of what you liked. You then unsub and move onto another game which offers what you like in a game. Which I have done. Myself I like flying at max level, Gear vendors, great crafting, and Character development, not Gear development.


So to provide a constructive comment, someone made a huge post about alternate routes to get to some places. So they are able to travel there, its not like anyone is going anywhere to far.

On this note, most of the portals people have been mentioning are the ones in Legion Dalaran before the upcoming removal, which you have to be 100-110 to access or pay/ask a mage to port you to access. Anyone below that level range would still have to put in the travel to get to places. So in all honesty, we are looking at a small group there as well so you are also looking at things from one point of view by this post (if you actually are I cant say but I dont really care to find out).

Also Im glad i can bypass Dalaran, that load screen sucks.

What would it take? Maybe doing something we recommend. There’s been numerous issues since the launch of this Xpac. And so many recommendations on how to Improve or make it better. But nothing anyone has recommended has been done.

It’s clearly, only gotten worse.

The devs do whatever they want regardless of what the players recommend. It’s been like this since launch.


Alright, but to be fair you always could bypass Dalaran. These options have all always been in-game. Alternate routes. Etc. This change is just removing some options.


Actually its been this way since Ion took over. The old crew was really good about stuff. Which is why WoW used to be the number one game.


So thats why I don’t see the problem. The paths have always been available, why is this specific one the one everyone is losing it over?

Final comment on this thread though. Bring back only Mage portals to get places. That’ll make this whole situation better, cause everyone loves Vanilla.

I’m no defender of Ion, but I’m unsure that’s a fair statement to make regardless. We have no idea when “the old crew” left (hint: they left one by one, some are still around, etc.) and all that’s clear is that WoW grew exponentially through Wrath and then has been in decline (outside of xpac launch bubbles) since.