So you're not going to change casual/unranked gear eh?

Small indie company man, can’t expect too much :roll_eyes:


Still 26 item levels from unrated conquest to max ilvl conquest upgraded. Isn’t it about 26 item levels now?

Conquest Gear

Rating Item Level PvP Item Level
0 220 233
1000 226 239
1200 229 242
1400 233 246
1600 236 249
1800 239 252
1950 242 255
2100 246 259
2400 249 259
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Yeah for people who don’t participate in rated the situation will actually be worse now that 1400 will give 246 gear. 1400 is really easy to get so the number of geared players is going to increase.

Honestly RBGs are a blast and getting 1400 is trivial, give them a try.

With 1400 gear the largest gear gap is 13ilvl, but the number of duelist players running around is pretty small. So more likely you will come across 1600/1800 people. A more realistic gear gap for 1400 people is 3 to 6 ilvls.


But Blizzard missed the point of all these posts complaining about rated.

Players who are casual do not want to b sitting in a looking for group q for hours trying to get into a rated battleground.

If there was a rated solo Q, sure, this wouldn’t be the end of the world. But, the hassle of waiting and waiting and waiting is not what most players consider fun.

Being hungry and waiting an hour in the Wendys drive through is not gonna work. So why is it okay for an mmo like World of Warcraft ?


I read through a lot of these, and the biggest issue with “just do rated content” is that you didn’t always have to do rated content. You could enjoy random battlegrounds at a normal rate, and not get wtf stomped. You could join a random battleground and actually participate using the basic honor gear until you eventually get enough conquest to gear up. Everyone got to the same point eventually, but by playing in rated content you got there much faster. There still needed to be skill involved, but you still had an advantage because of gear. Before shadowlands a player with decent gear could defeat a player with good gear if he/she were a better player. That isn’t the case anymore, because of the drastic ilvl differences. A warrior killed me in 3 hits yesterday. THREE. He had 63k HP and hit like a truck. There was a 96k prot paladin in WSG that didn’t even need to attack back. He could just run the flag freely up and down the game. We are getting to a point where the lines between a skilled and an unskilled player are blurred because of an ilvl imbalance and preferred way of playing.


They’re not Blizzard anymore, only Activision. :unamused:


Damn. That’s beyond rediculous and just keeps me from even trying to PvP in 9.1.5.

Why would I waste my time.



Leave the boosters and rated to play eachother in randoms,it will by like lvl 60 twinks and they will get tired of playing eachother.


Its not our fault Blizz feels the need to give rated players and advantage in gear.Maybe the addons weren’t doing enough for rated players.


I used to just play with the blue honor gear and enjoy bgs. Now I get wrecked in a stun lock. I do play rated now but i dont really like it. id rather just play a few random bgs once in a while


This is very encouraging to hear. All i want to do is be able to compete.

I just left twin peaks and the other team was mostly duelist geared and one glad ret. The dude had 70k hp. He was literally killing people in 1.5 to 2 seconds. The balance in game atm is beyond horrific


Just told my hubby about this. He plays a pally and even he was like omfg.

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Should have said 8 alts. Would have meant the same nonsense as with 4 alts. Easy to get everything for all your alts when you dont have to get up from the computer all day :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

I should not have, because I do not have 8 alts.

I understand that you struggle to comprehend how to gear in Shadowlands. That is a personal problem.
Good luck sorting that out.

The only way to thwart the p2w gearing, is to come together as a community and all of us play in the maxed out honor gear in all forms of PvP (just completely ditch the conquest set). That would include streamers, rank 1’s, casuals. Sad thing is, no one will ditch the conquest gear + it would be pretty difficult to get the message out to those who don’t consume any WoW media.

Could you imagine a mass gathering of the community coming to the consensus that we will all ditch/never purchase conquest gear in favor of everyone being equal ilvl?


He probably has no real history in the game or he would know this already. It’s a shame really.

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not since kaleiki burnt out