So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

They didn’t ask for this at all.


You can’t at 50 either.


Show me your source. I want to see your source for this claim.

If you want me to believe that at the end of an expansion when Wrath classic just released that participation is lower than it was at the start of the expansion-okay. Fine. I’ll agree with you due to the context that this is a seasonal/cyclical MMO that has ebbs and flows in participation in content by design.

If you want me to just throw out all context and nuance and just believe that the game is in trouble, and it’s because Blizzard doesn’t give bad players BiS for doing world quests-I will never accept this argument because it’s fundamentally stupid.


While carries are far more accessible than they SHOULD be, let’s not pretend that’s how any sort of majority approaches the game. Most people just play.

Let’s talk about how the game is actually designed. Not how people buy their way through it.

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If you’re not top 1%, you don’t need the best gear (BIS) anyways so why do you care?
Just play the game, if you run out of things to do, unsub, resub when they add something you like or move over to a new mmo.

Read the original, completely stupid post.

That is exactly what the OP is pissed off about. Their perception of being knee capped in ‘progression’ doing absolutely nothing but catch up mechanics.

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This WoW only existed in peoples memories, as classic proved.

Seems kinda weird to say that someone whose worked as a designer in WoW since 2008 has “never actually worked on developing games”.


As somebody who runs a Cutting Edge raiding guild, I agree with the OP.

Dragonflight looks really sparse in terms of world content. Notice the distinct lack on Blizzard’s part of talking about what people will be doing in Dragon Isles. Because there isn’t much to do.

It’s going to be like Warlords of Draenor, all over again.

The problem is, Shadowlands has a TON of stuff to do in the open world, but… people didn’t do it. Not even the “casual world content” players who want something to do. So I can understand why Blizzard didn’t bother, this time.

It’s a shame, because I LOVE outdoor world content stuff. But we seem to be the small minority. You talk to most people about rares / quests / toys / pets / achievements / whatever, and they’re just “…what’s that?”


100000% this. Classic is now an RMT cesspit full of cheaters and exploiters who cry modern WoW changes into the game and if they can’t get those, they just work around the system by cheating.

WoW also used to be ridiculously unforgiving to people who wouldn’t engage in endgame content in terms of gear progression and I’m very much of the opinion that it should go back to that. They won’t talk about that part of it though.

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Lol You guys can keep saying this as much as you want but it’s not true.


Can you read? The OP isn’t talking about

The OP is talking about

This is yet another thread begging for gear for farming trivial content.


…what? Where did I say any of this?

Do you just put words in people’s mouth because otherwise you have zero hope of winning any argument?

Go outside and let the adults talk, kid.


I wasn’t the one making any such claims, you were. <3

Where’s your source that the game hasn’t lost any players? :3

Sure, feel free to check the graphs around WoD times and see if participation metrics for Arena, RBGs, Raids, and now M+ by unique runs line up! :3

I think those last two words might fit you more if you read my post and got that from it. <3

Considering how big boost communities are and how much they are sold and advertised, I’d say it’s a hefty chunk of the players that either sell, or buy boosts. <3

I wasn’t aware the game was effectively being designed.

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Thanks for asking!

You’re not an adult. You’re an intellectually dishonest forum troll begging for gear for farming trivial content. You aren’t getting it, and this is a good thing for the game. I’m not here to win an argument with you. There is no argument. Blizzard isn’t going to just give you BiS gear because you want it while ignoring all the content that rewards it.

LFR ilvl gear for world quests and other catch up mechanics is more than fair. If you want better gear, stop ignoring content.


So this is your argument? I told you that I agree with you if you think that in a seasonal, cyclical MMO participation rates for all content across the board will be lower at the end of an expansion. Look at classic for your example.

Queues weren’t a thing after a couple weeks after TBC launch over there, and now it’s a queue nightmare. It’ll die down again soon (and it already has been for a while.) That’s the way online games work.

I want you to show me that the game is losing players at whatever pace, that it’s consistent; and that it’s because of whatever reason you want to make up.

You can’t show me any of those things. Doomsaying has existed on the forums since I got here in '05, the newest flavor is ‘BLIZZARD GIVE ME FREE STUFF OR ALL THE CASUALS ARE GONNA QUIT.’ This is absolutely nothing new.

I will not accept however that the game is dying because bad doomer forum trolls who demand BiS gear for farming trivial content say so because they aren’t getting their way.


I think WotLK had a the best balance when it came to casuals vs hardcore end game. I seen lots of casuals raiding back then that hadn’t in Vanilla and TBC. I think that’s why there was such a big spike in subs back then. Then Cata happened and made everything hard again and a lot of those people left.


To be fair loot has little purpose for someone who doesn’t push for it
Admittedly I don’t see why M+ continues to give better loot than raiding, which is substantially more time consuming and harder. I don’t like M+, I only like casual hero raiding/casual pvp, and I see that Dragonflight is another completely dead-on-arrival expansion for me. Might level up last patch but if they only cater to M+ and rated players, creating worthless raids with terrible gear, then no thanks. I don’t want to be in full Heroic gear far behind someone in full mythic that doesn’t know fight mechanics, because they ran M+ and I don’t. I don’t see why they can’t go with iLvL scaling and let M+, Raid and PvP gear all work in other ‘modes’ but give an iLvL boost in its own setting. Let M+ gearing be a way to hit iLvL for raid but don’t overshadow raid rewards, but let M+ be the top dog gear in M+, let PvP gear scale in M+ but let PvP gear still be top dog in PvP. Let everyone dip in another pool but don’t make one mode the required mode to progress.

Still waiting for an MMO that doesn’t cater to one specific group and leaves everyone else to rot, but that’s asking for a lot.


Nope, what I’m asking for is MORE CONTENT for the people who pay the same price for the game yet we get like nothing to show for it unless we engage in “esports”-like activities.

This was evident in SL and it’s only gonna be worse now. Want a cool mount with an actually unique model? Guess you better be able to hit Glad and have 20 hrs a day to play. If you don’t, enjoy the 5 recolors of a random moose that you’ll get from open world content.

You’re so pissed at an argument I’m not even making. You’re honestly just coming across as delusional. Sorry for you mate. Either way I have no need to reply to you anymore since you’ll just spin anything else I say to suit your own twisted narrative. Enjoy your day, kid.


Thing is, Wrath had virtually nothing in terms of world content. And certainly nothing that would pass muster by today’s standards (i.e. world content that gave good gear).

Totally agree that 10-man raiding was a fantastic entertainment feature back then.

People can still do 10-man raiding these days, of course. So why isn’t it as popular?

Oh right. People just queue for LFR instead. And - if the complaints are any measure - don’t have a good time doing it. But then they do it again the next week, until they finally get sick of it and leave.

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You said you wanted a source for one thing, but now don’t want to source your own claims? Ironic.

Again, no source. <3

I want you to show me that the game isn’t losing players, or is gaining them that is consistent.

Wonder when/why Blizzard stopped showing active subs? Now it’s all about MAUs for ALL activision/Blizzard titles and about sales of expansions for WoW via special preorders.

Personally, if people like you actually wanted gear for the ‘best effort’ put in only those that parse 100’s would get the BiS gear.

If it was also, the ‘most skilled’ to be getting the BiS gear, only highest rated PvP would award it. shrug