So youre asking for shaman nerfs?

Bet he mains a shammy

Want more evidence?

Coming from a shaman player, Enhance is over tuned and needs to be toned down by at least 10%. But the problem is allowing DW enhance to use the tank rune, not enhance itself. they need to fix the tank rune to only be active with a shield equipped.


Oh and for everyone that argued that you cant hit 1k lava lash. It happens multiple times in these clips.

I think a 1k crit with a 6sec cd is fine. I think most melee have like 5-10% at most crit maybe more or less? They just need their autos nerfed esp when they get a WF proc. LL is doing 7% overall DPS. Rng burst crits are fine, its classic and it’s SoD, everyone is strong. They need to fix the tank rune

Thats more damage than melee hunters ever did, and they got nerfed despite not having the survivability shamans do.

Why should shaman get special treatment?

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I think they slightly over-nerfed melee hunt tbh they should of reverted 5-10% of that nerf. But at least in my experience as a clothie-healer Melee hunts were 10x more of a problem than enhance are. (I am horde so i only fight them in duels/STV) so my opinion might be a little skewed but ive been killed by plenty solo to know their strengths and Mhunt 100% killed me quicker every time than a shaman did. Shaman can ground and kick me+purge but the mele hunt + pet were more bursty like mhunt just did more dmg. I’d die if i blinked for a mili sec. shamans, i can kite and get away from for the most part until i get peeled

That’s more damage than melee hunters have ever done.

Maybe it’s just perception because they have much more front loaded damage.

Not saying melee hunters didn’t smash though. But shammys definitly need a nerf, melee hunters were a meme glass cannon.


well ya they had spammable RS + crazy autos
it would be similar to/if LL not having a CD

Just look at these pathetic attempts to shamefully cover up their imbalanced class.

The person knows they’re playing an imbalanced class and tries to hide it.

This means that shamans are indeed overpowered and that they urgently need a nerf, to both specs, enhancement and elemental.

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Traps against a class that goes immune to them? Brilliant idea.

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The tank rune is op, but enhancement damage also needs to be tuned down as well.

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The only way a paladin is globaling anyone is if they hit a clothie without any form of magic shield up with a pre-stacked reckoning bomb…

Shamans are hitting for 500+ DMG with 1 handed non crit autoattacks

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dont forget, all while having 30% extra HP, 10% less damage taken and 6% lower chance of getting crit

I think the best change they could make is requiring Way of The Earth to have a shield attached to it. You don’t gimp enhance damage in PvE and they become a glass cannon in PvP. Tanks wouldn’t dual wield tank in PvE and would still be able to hold threat no problem.

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Shamanistic Rage has a 20% damage taken reduce for the duration, if people saying there is no other defensive than WotE. Just sayin.

hurray… 20%…which can’t be used while CC’d.


And it needs a buff to the DR if you nerf woe for pvp. We would be too squishy without a buff to sr.

This is the same thing all the balance rerolls told us. They suffered silently and stoically since world war 2 on a meme spec and now finally, they are able to murder people with absolutely no counter play on an absolutely out of control class and that’s completely acceptable because Shaman was bad and they faithfully stood by it for 48 years.


Nerf enhance

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That’s moving goal posts now.

Shaman, Priests, and Paladins are the only classes with true defensives accessable to every spec not on long cooldowns. Druids don’t even get barkskin til 44, and that is just physical damage.

Its even worse. OP advocated for gutting Starsurge.

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