So youre asking for shaman nerfs?

Keep crying. Use BW and spam raptor strike you’ll bf fine

That’s the problem. It doesn’t work. A good geared and skilled enhance shammy could eat 2 melee hunters 1 after the other.

That’s while melee hunter can still tear shreds off most classes within BW buff.

Your pet should be doing majority of the damage. You also have traps.

Go home, I don’t have trap launcher…

Also shammies are immune to slows, can grounding freezing trap, can slow me with 2 abilities and basically 2 tap me.

I think we agree on dmg redistribution but 40% of their overall is auto attacks , LL 7% SS 7%. in pvp when you get 1 tapped after being purged clean its the autos that truck. Its okay if their SS and LL hit hard bc they have CDs and you can recover

Get good. Pop dispersion. Blanket silence, mind spike, SWD, GG

No the front loaded damage is the killer in pvp. Most engagements cooldowns are ready.

Typical zugzug

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Bro im not even shadow and im also not complaining about nerfing shaman idiot l2read 5head

Idc man learn to play the game as disc it’s very easy

can guarantee you im prolly 1k+ higher rating than your entire peak of existence in wow arena. im not the one complaining again bc you clearly are incapable of reading.

Come duel me in game?

i would rekt you on any toon even your overtuned enhance shammy :rofl:

Ok come duel

whats your ign and server

Ok? He kills 3 bots so what

Bots? Look again.