Not really. Nat Shaman doesn’t have defensives/CCs. (Compared to the 3+ of other melees.)
Now they have 2 Mutually Exclusive options. WotE or Shammy rage. (WotE obviously better for making up the difference.)
Not really. Nat Shaman doesn’t have defensives/CCs. (Compared to the 3+ of other melees.)
Now they have 2 Mutually Exclusive options. WotE or Shammy rage. (WotE obviously better for making up the difference.)
I advocate for nerfing alllllll of the rune damage spells.
Lava Burst, Starsurge, Void Plague, etc.
The only reason Shaman is getting noticed is because it has the DR and Health to survive longer than the rogues and warriors.
Paladins are stupid strong, and even more survivable- and getting MORE buffs tomorrow… but the whiners are alliance.
Deep BM melee is the meta, you just have no idea what youre talking about
looks at Parse counts
Ranged Hunter: 106,748
Melee Hunter: 224,135
You say that like it is a bad thing.
reading comprehension
Lock tank main and only really theorycrafting because I dabble in shammy. What if woe was split on requirements for the buffs? Something like:
Could have one or both effects active at the same time.
An ironic accusation.
I personally think all the “tank stance” runes that reduce chance to be crit need to be removed from pvp. Shaman just happens to have the strongest. If pvp were balanced, way of earth wouldn’t be required but pvp is going to be a mess even if shaman were deleted outright.
It’s just Shaman’s turn.
(BUT I am seeing more threads of people waking up to Mages and Paladins.)
I haven’t seen many people complaining for Shaman nerfs but then again I don’t play shaman so i’m not focusing on those threads.
That being said, No don’t nerf Shamans, They are fine where they are and next phase after gnomer melee will be back on top because the bosses won’t have as much armor as a mechanical unit. All they need to do is not nerf anything for shamans this phase.
Enhance is too strong in pvp. Nerf our pvp juggernaut without hurting our pve dps.
This is extremely hard to do and is why paladin also only see incremental buffs. If they buff/nerf too hard then it destroys the entire PvE/PvP balance.
Everything is strong in pvp atm. Every class is very bursty. No matter the class health bars just go away.
Shamans are just the fotm target for nerfs because they got buffs to level them out with the rest.
I agree, most classes are doing way too much damage. Shaman gets obliterated with nerfs and then you’ll see 20 threads a day about the next class. The only winning move is to just avoid pvp unless they start hammering out tweaks multiple times a week.
I don’t think it’s hard at all. Require way of the earth to have a shield equipped. You can tank dungeons with a shield and be a glass cannon in PvP. Doesn’t gimp our PvE damage and tanks won’t be topping the meters with double rockbiter.
i should have rephrased.
its hard for BLIZZARD to do cause they are incompetent.
players have given hundreds of good suggestions, almost like the players have spent hundreds of hours playing the class or something
You sound pretty salty, almost as if you’ve personally attacked.
Realistically it does need balancing, I was responding to someone saying nerf its damage by 40% so we do the same damage as Paladins but you know without Devine shield and Lay On Hands.
A lot of things need balancing, but if you want to slaughter a shaman without a thought you can always plays Era or Retail, easy pickens!
A melee glass cannon…
How’s that working out for the Warriors right now?
You’re taking what I say as if warriors don’t need love. They’ve needed it this entire phase but have basically been looked over. I’d rather everyone be brought up to an almost broken level over being nerfed into nothing.