So youre asking for shaman nerfs?

With zerker buff maybe. Also, nobody is running Loyalty buff in pvp.

Nope, these are people just doing bloodmoon.

Only possible against 0 armor targets, bis gear and every attack buff available.

I’m sure the people in the videos are removing all their armor while pvping in stv during the bloodmoon. Their character models must have a visual bug which shows them not naked.


This is basic math. You’re trolling at this point. You also claimed shaman get 2k ap lol

Shaman should have around 500 attack power, and be hitting for 100 damage auto attacks while dual wielding like everyone else.

Instead they have 3-4x that amount.

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Nobody is running Beta AP buff in pvp. 2x Rockbiter is OP but at least stop lying when trying to defend your position.

You can scroll up to see other shaman countering what you’re saying is false. Your class needs a good 30% nerf right off their damage and way of the earth should be modified to be useless outside of pve tanking.

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I agree with this, but we would need a buff to SR to compensate.

Just limit us to 1 rockbiter. Problem solved.

I will give you an unbiased honest review that is based purely on empirical fact. There currently is 4 DPS specs that can achieve 1k DPS in Gnomer currently; Dlock, Fmage, FWar and EnhSham. Every other DPS spec is doing 400-600ish max. Of these 4 PVE S-tier specs they are maxing at 600-1.1k. Vanilla PVE damage equates to Vanilla PVP unlike any other expansion due to not having resilience or PVP modifiers (like in retail for example). I think it’s fair to say if something is S tier in both avenues (PVE+PVP) then it should be tuned properly. I am never someone to call for nerfs, but if something is outright broken (a clear outlier) then i think it’s fair to properly balance it down a bit (example mele hunters recent nerf + shadow priest’s). If something is awful C-D tier DPS in vanilla PVE but it shines in PVP due to burst, then that is arguably fair game. For Enhance Shaman currently, they are in S tier rn in PVE. In PVP if they touch you you flop over from an auto attack. You can agree or disagree all you want but that is over-tuned in both PVE and PVP. I think Enhance needs a DAMAGE-redistribution such as nerfing the auto attk dmg and buffing SS or lava lash dmg etc

FWIW, checking right now - Every single “High” pop PvP server has Horde locked, and Alliance unlocked/funneled.

Every single one of them.

lolololololo look at this guy thinking they coming for spriest and druid AFTER, buddy they ALREADY did and gutted starsurge for druid. where were you when people were crying about balance druid ? take your turn and get nerf inbound.

Warrior hit 1250~ edit. Hunter has hit 1040 before.

Enhance uses different imbues in PvE. This is not equatable for them. The issue is using two rockbiter and way of earth.

I proposed this before phase 2 even started and multiple paladin posters called me a troll. Give us some form of SP conversion that ignores our Rockbiter buff. Limit us to 1 rockbiter. SS and LL do not need buffs.

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30-40% dps nerf. Shaman should be paladin tier damage at best. They have too much utility and can roll 4 different specs. They have no business doing that much damage.

And hunter was hit with a 25% damage nerf. Hunter also has significantly less utility than a shaman does. Shaman should be far lower than all hunter specs in dps.

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what about the pallies that are globaling people in their immunity bubble?

kinda broken.


Nope. This is just pure cope at this point.

Go to era if you don’t want shaman doing damage. We’re not going to stay your WF/chainheal bots.

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Paladins are globaling someone only in your dreams.

Highest damaging spell is exorcism, which with all modifiers we get (spd from sheath, vengeance, sanc aura) can barely crit 650 damage. People have 3k+ hp in pvp events. Shamans - 5k with WoE.

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Your 30-40% is literally never going to happen. SOD is about exploring the spec’s to the highest degree with runes. I’m not playing SOD to spam chain heal at 60, I’m playing SOD because my class and spec that I’ve played for 20 years is finally able to succeed in an iteration of the game I love.

Just remember were level 40, we still have 20 levels to go and two more phases of runes to get. Tons can change.

Enhancement shamans were always good, even in classic. I have HWL gear on classic and back in the day i was killing people in 1-2 globals.

No thank you, LL for 1k and SS for 800 is enough!

Honestly they just need a nerf. Maybe put some more damage into maelstrom and make the tank rune have some damage drawbacks.