But you’re okay with OP Mages…
(I suspect the reason Shamans are being considered OP is because they’re one of two classes that actually last more than about 5 seconds in a BG when the spells start flying.)
But you’re okay with OP Mages…
(I suspect the reason Shamans are being considered OP is because they’re one of two classes that actually last more than about 5 seconds in a BG when the spells start flying.)
nah 123456
I don’t care about enh as long as resto is left alone
mages are single handedly ruining blood moon, enh shams are just crushing noobs with no heals and are unaware you can dispel maelstrom stacks.
but i agree nerf WoE and stacking mass regen just the same.
Mages are accessable for both factions. Shamans are not. This is how you get your 20 min horde qs : no one wants to be a cannon fodder for a superplate tank shooting spells for 50% of enemy’s hp.
And i am not ok with mages being op. I am just pointing out that shamans currently make this game unplayable for a large amount of people.
Looking at your post history I see…
Guess it’s as you say, it is your turn. Delete shaman, make way of the earth reduce damage done by 50%, nerf lava burst, and nerf rockbiter. Simple as.
And you don’t need the bubbles, I agree, bubbles should be removed from pallies in SoD.
“When you were overpowered, I posted non-stop wanting you nerfed. Now I’m overpowered, don’t you dare nerf me I should be overpowered because it’s what I play.”
Especially considering Alliance is/was locked, lol.
They’re scared of Shaman being good.
Not even horde want shaman to be good. Just replace shaman with a WF totem that can occasionally cast chain heal.
I would gladly trade my bubble for WoE rune. But i have a taste. And your class will be nerfed obviously.
We have SR. If WoE was made to be less appealing for PvP (e.g. reduced outgoing dmg penalty), and SR damage reduction was buffed, I think it would solve a lot of issues. I don’t enjoy being stuck in WoE and running RB all the time tbh.
Melee Hunter says hi. You can come join us in the middle pack of dps. People cried for PvE nerfs for them too lol.
I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing. Same style of writing every post. Always alts while complaining about level 40 pvp. lol
Enhance rerolls in shambles because they know what’s coming their way.
Shaman is bursting extremely hard. It’s also the fact they’re so damn tanky.
Complete liar lol.
1.5k-2k attack power, auto attacks hitting for 500+ damage. All it takes is a dual wield shaman to auto attack crit and stormstrike crit and you die in a single global. 2k+ damage. Shaman have more utility than nearly every other class in the game on top of it, and the most hp, damage reduction and crit reduction in the game at the moment.
lol no
Look enhance needs a nerf but this is straight up lying.
Crazy how a simple youtube search yields multiple results of shamans melee hits from auto attacks and stormstrike hitting for 500+. I’m sure those are all fabrications too.