With WotE and every single health buff I can get to 5000+ but everyone else by that point is in the 4000s anyways. So can we not with the context removal crap?
The point is : you don’t need that hp.
You either lose all your rangeed spells and get a -20% damage penalty with a threat buff compensation.
Or rune itself should be nerfed (hp component and restrictions).
that would be a false choice fallacy.
i would choose neither.
I don’t even think WoE should be allowed in PvP, but you need to give us some kind of defensive elsewhere.
Ofc you would not choose neither, because it is broken atm. Horde q times are 10+ min already. No one wants to be a target dummy for fotm shaman rerollers.
Exp buff will nail the coffin.
i see your avatar is a pally.
do you play a pally in sod too?
just curious.
I would LOVE to run Shammy rage, I hate running out of gas with WotE- but we’re softer than warriors when we do.
WotE is great for staying alive… but it seems like they forget
It’s there because we don’t have defensives
When it’s there, we have a finite gas tank… we don’t get more mana, we can’t build more rage… when the Mana runs out, it’s out.
It requires RB on main hand where I would definitely like to run WF.
But they just see out of context 5k health and us not falling over in the Range Lawnmowing and assume that Shamans are the problem, as opposed to massive damage melting everyone and Shamans being the only one that lasts long enough to PvP.
What defensives warrior or pally have? Aside from 5 min cd bubble and 30 min cd shield wall? We live in a world where we just die if we overextend just a liiiiitle. Thats why most platers from both sides just sit in the backline and w8 for someone to dive in. While caster overlords use their 2 min dispersion/shields/soul link/WoE or other tanking bulls runes.
really though do you play pally?
inquiring minds want to know.
Nobody has any defensives in this broken PvP crapfest besides shaman, and it is mandatory to run it. Multiple shaman have proposed fair fixes and I’ve seen hundreds of posts from every class complaining about PvP damage across the board. I agree with them. Just start nerfing shaman little by little. Like limiting to 1 rockbiter total, shield required on WoE but to compensate allow SR to be used during CC and increase the DR. Do a global PvP damage reduction. You nerf shaman into the dirt and now you just have nothing but threads crying about shadow priest and mage all day. More than shaman tweaks need to happen.
Shamans are clearly OP in pvp. Nerf them in everything just like they did to hunters.
I propose deleting shaman and hunter characters and barring them from creation.
This here, is the single biggest thing.
(I’d rather they just nuke the Rune abilities… they do SO much extra damage for no reason.)
My little shadow priest at level 8 literall top-to-bottoms same level mobs with just the Void Plague. (132 damage on one spell at level 8 is WILD)
So reducing the damage shamans take would make them less tanky?
Reducing overall damage would make WotE not mandatory to play the game. (And could have it get a restriction to using a shield so it’s not a PvP rune.)
Now that its my class, this is outrageous and you’re all at risk, when it was hunters/druids/priests it was fine, but now this is ridiculous! I’m not OP!!
If WoE is removed from pvp they need some defensive cooldown. They will become paper. Shift the survivabilty to something not broken is my point.
Nope, sorry pal.
We’ve been calling for overall rune damage abilities to be nerfed for a long time, welllll before Shaman became the target.
being 2shot by overpowered shamans is a boring slogfest too
It’s because they actually scale well unlike vanilla skills while they’re trying to avoiding touching non rune spells directly, raptor strike is a copy of raptor strike (classic) for example. It seems they at least learned overtuned bfd gear was a bit too nuts.