And allll the spell pushback.
There’s a reason casters don’t like fighting in melee…
And allll the spell pushback.
There’s a reason casters don’t like fighting in melee…
What push back will you suffer vs slow 3,6 2h weapons? Btw hitting you for 190 at best when you have 5k hp. Stop being delusional. Tanking rune needs to go. This rune is for tanking, not pvp.
So you’ll be parting with your Bubble?
How about that stun?
Maybe the Repentance?
Give us the Intimidate…or the Gap Closing Stuns…or the Shield wall, the retal, the disarm, etc…
Maybe Evasion? Sprint? Blind? Sap? Stun?
(Or if we’re talking Ele, how about a blink, Psychic Scream, Fear, Polymorph, etc…)
Are you seeing a trend yet?
Psst: Shamans were given Way of the Earth in that fashion because their ONLY defensive is to skip the run back to their corpse once an hour.
You understand to get a lavaburst crit it takes 4 second setup. If you cant interrupt with in 4 seconds then maybe just maybe its user error…just sayin
heh you going into pvp solo vs a group of casters?
no heals backup or anything?
quick note :
pretty much all casters have ways to insta shot you within a few globals.
btw if you have team mates that are also putting pressure on the casters it helps i hear.
Either that or a Ele Mastery Lava Burst, which doesnt guarantee the crit on the overload. Best way to avoid needing to run towards people into the 20 yard range to begin counting to 4.
Im ok with them being a threat im not okay with them being a threat and the tankiest class in SoD while losing no damage
or have a priest dispel the flame shock .
I didnt know we were talking about paladins and their bubbles.
they dont talk about that.
notice alot of these people have alliance avatars.
wonder why?
Well I cant speak for enh but as ele most of our gear is cloth/leather and we dont usually run WoE do to mana issues
Cry harder you will be nerfed tuesday, hopefully they require wote to require a shield boom shamans solved
funny thing is yall are complaining about ele shaman who you guessed it … wear a shield.
Ele shamans are fine enhance is not
i see youre a druid.
wonder what type you are to be so against the melee version of shaman?
if youre a caster , lol cant reliably get off that starshards into starfire combo and 1shot the shaman and then die to melee pressure?
if youre a feral though , ive watched ferals wreck melee shaman IN BEARFORM. talk about alot of dmg for a tanky toon.
Everyone likes to conveniently forget that Shamans have no gap close and the closest to CC that they have is a 20yd slow.
No Stuns, Fears or anything
Just health and damage. (They won’t be satisfied until enhance shamans go back to being PvP victims…so just disregard them. And nerf hunters. Because.)
Bubble is a 5 min CD lasting 10 secs.
Average ret has 3k hp in BiS.
Shaman with WoE has 5k hp.
Do we have to get into math how much of an impact that rune does in EVERY teamfight? On top of it’s passive percs like damage reduction and crit reduction?
You don’t need to have a gap closer when you shoot lasers and fire boulders that hit for 50+% of player’s hp.
If you get wrecked by feral as ench in 1v1 when you have WoE rune equipped, you deserve to uninstal the game.