Elemental shamans are without a doubt the coolest thematic specialization in the game. Followed by Shadow Priests and Retribution paladins. People complaining about them tend to be generic classes that were busted in ERA and are now upset at not being undisputed top dogs.
That’s because we need the bubble active to do anything. Otherwise we’re a free kill, permanently kitable.
I can’t. Paladins have amongst the lowest sustained damage in the game just above Frost Mage. in PvP outside of our burst window we’re a standing NPC.
Respectfully, nerf shamans.
Buff warriors.
A main warrior
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i played a stv with dual rb and woe instead of my usual wf/rb combo and it was awful.
no burst like wf and was a chore to play.
sure i survived a few times i probably wouldnt have but it was annoying and boring to play.
i dont care if they balance it a bit.
i would rather run wf/rb and shamanistic rage and have rage buffed to like 20% with it being a cooldown of a min to make it more attractive.
its a boring playstyle that still gets blown up like everyone else with pressure. just lasts 1-2 more hits maybe.
EZ fix and this is coming from a shaman main…
Make way of earth also be a spell power debuff and require a shield in OH.
Melee WoE shamans will then literally only be tanky like a bear druid with high threat gen.
Melee DPS shamans will be squishier but still have burst (that’s what a shaman is - stay away, stun or nuke them just as you would a rogue)
Ele will no longer benefit from WoE and give them the newer flame tongue (spell power).
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Stop crying try playing warrior. Shamans have been better than them since p1. Priests and boomies and hunters got the nerf already its not only shamans. shaman is much stronger than paladin and it shows in bgs.
Having raw damage is alot already. Now you put raw damage slow immune, heals, dispell, ghost wolf, kick, slow, and much more.
The issue is the WoE + double rock biter build. If you crit with everything when you walk up and AA/SS someone, it does ~2k dmg in a global if you’re using slow weapons. So simply moving the numbers around between SS/AAs/LL wouldn’t solve this issue.
I just hope that w/e nerfs come our way doesn’t impact 2h negatively, because 2h is relatively weak.
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RB / FT seems to pump pretty hard.
But yeah, stop with the lies lol. You busted.
not true at all. fire mage/destro dps in PvE does not equate to PvP they’re vulnerable to interrupts and their DPS is full spam wearing gear that would get them 1 shot in PvP. Fury Warrior DPS does not equate to PvP just like P1 arms DPS did not for a number of reasons including lack of raid buffs/rage and standard CC(meaning flagellation is low viability which is a major source of dmg) stuff. Enh PvP damage is pretty close and the only other class that brought PvE damage to PvP was P1 hunters which is why they’re constantly the subject of nerfs. I guess P2 hunters too, but they are a lot more tame this time around.
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Post on your sod character. We both knkw you dont play this game
Huurr duurr post on your SoD character huuurrr duuurr.
Some of us prefer to keep our forum character the same despite what version of the game we play. I’ve not logged on era in months. But if you change characters it works like having a whole new account.
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It’s hilarious because he wants to compare PvE logs. It’s a desperate attempt at grasping at straws. What’s even funnier is that only I can compare the logs and mine are better than his! The only solace he has is telling himself that I am lying.
You would think so right? but you know that streamer guzu. He has a warrior in gnomer bis and epic axe. he dueled a shaman and disarmed him and still got his butt kicked before the disarm ended. And this was shortly before the buffs were implemented mind you
I found the clip check it out
But they can global somebody and that is okay? I think we all have to admit that any class that can kill somebody with no counter play is bad… and before you say well just don’t let them get close let me remind you that most shammys have lavalash which can almost global on its own… and a range interrupt, purge, ranged slow, and movement speed form… so do I need to go on? I don’t want shamans to be bad either but what we have right now ain’t it.
Why should a shammy not be softer than a warrior who wears plate lololol
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You’re thinking of lava burst which for ele and enhance takes some setup. If the shaman has a ranged interrupt then they won’t be tanky and you can blow them up pretty easily. While having wolf form I can guarantee most shams don’t use it now at 40. Unless specced into it it’s a 3 sec cast time that can be cc’d fairly easily. This is coming from someone who thinks that sham needs a little tuning but hopes it doesn’t get completely gutted.
Dont nerf shamans, buff pallies. Lets turn this into an actual faction war
yes, buff paladins, so the shamans can still wipe every other class of the face of the earth.