So your argument to save shamans from the nerf bat is to just run away. Just avoid environments within which Shamans exist.
Another enhance reroll in shambles knowing what’s coming.
So your argument to save shamans from the nerf bat is to just run away. Just avoid environments within which Shamans exist.
Another enhance reroll in shambles knowing what’s coming.
My argument is understand the classes and counter them. Go duel 100 times you’ll get the gist of it.
otherwise, git gud.
There is this thing called kiting, try it sometime.
Shaman have a movement immunity ability, a ranged slow with no dead zone, and a 40% speed increase with no downsides. That’s also on top of having the larges hp pool, highest damage reduction, and a massive crit reduction.
So duel a shaman 100 times. And also run away.
Ignoring ghost wolf, totems; frost shock and a ranged interrupt that does damage existing-it seems like you’re making the claim now that anyone who gets hit by anyone playing melee of any sort needs to “git gud.”
I can’t wait to read the tears of you fotm rerolls.
20 yd limit
You are beyond saving. It is dispellable, fearable, sleepable and interruptable. No downsides? You remind me of the druids complaining about frost shock.
Which are on the same cooldown unless you run WoE and have a melee range interrupt.
We have no gap closer and the only CC we have is a mid range snare. Projecting earthbind has a cooldown too and you can just kill the earthbind totem.
I was playing shaman in phase 1 when it was bad, will continue to play after nerfs. I have actually been advocating for fair pvp nerfs if you would take 2 seconds to read the complaint threads, along with most shaman. I think you’re just bad at the game along with the druids whining about frost shock. Bad.
So despite being the second most mobile class, and the class with the highest offensive utility in the game combined with the most survivability and the most front loaded burst damage…
You’re pissed off you don’t have charge?
Fair enough, but shamans are completely out of control. You’re maining it now that it’s so powerful and want to defend it. I get it.
It’s bad for the game though.
I don’t have any problem with shamans big damage…
Because I’m a horde.
He-he BOI
This is the dumbest thing I have read in these threads besides druids whining about shifting to remove frost shock.
Quantify this. All we have is raw AP. I don’t understand what damage utility shaman have. What the hell does that even mean?
Yes, WoE needs nerfed. When it gets nerfed, we’ll go back to being deleted faster than all the other melee.
Yeah, because big damage is all we have in pvp. Give us hex and many of us will welcome the nerfs.
When you don’t kite them yeah.
I was always maining it, it just happens to not suck now.
So is priest/mage/paladin pvp damage.
I’d suggest that you take your own advice and “git gud.”
Maybe go do 100 duels and learn to play the class you rerolled to.
I did, and used WoE. Now all the bads are mad.
Only by shaman and priests.
20 yards longer than hamstring, wing clip, and crippling poison.
Not every class can do those things.
Just face it. Shaman are extremely OP. 20% damage nerf, and make WoE unusable outside of PvE tanking.
Multiple classes can deal with ghost wolf easily. Whining about ghost wolf of all abilities. You people need to lay off the crack.
I’ve proposed this already. Just limit us to 1 rockbiter, damage will drop significantly shifting us to more burst and less consistent pressure.
Sure that’s fair. SR will need a buff to be usable during CC and provide mroe DR though.
WCL shows you Mained Ele in P1.
Please give me more advice about PvP while playing on a PvE realm btw.
Another FotM reroll clowning themselves on the forum.
Looking forward to the tears from you
I was enhance the entire phase.
PvE realm players can comment about BGs.
I really don’t care if it gets nerfed. I expected it for weeks.
Verifiable and viewable metrics show that you’re an enhance reroll. You played Ele.
This isn’t what you did. You told me to “git gud” and to do 100 duels and to run away and told me I was bad.
Your PvP opinion is kinda…flat.
Not once did I play ele in phase 1. Many fights I used lava burst rune sometimes. You don’t know how to read logs.
You are bad.
lol I’m done feeding a PVE realm FotM reroll troll. Have a good one. Or don’t.
You’re the troll. You don’t even know what the icon for tank shaman is on WCL. Not only bad at the game but can’t see icons. Might want to get your eyes checked.
U tRoLl.
Everyones 10 here lmao.