So youre asking for shaman nerfs?

…that’s…actually somewhat reasonable. However…

I’m sorry, 20% is too much. We’re gonna have to talk about the numbers here.

I suggest making WoE reduce damage output by 10% then. Think Warrior defensive stance. 10% damage mitigation, 10% damage output reduction.

Gotta be fair here, can’t just nuke the rune out of orbit.

Defensive stance doesn’t do as much as way of the earth does. Way of the earth is like having max defense skill, and last stand active at all times. It’s dramatically stronger than just defensive stance. Honestly a 20% damage reduction is likely not even a big enough reduction.

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Nope, you just hate shamans now, your opinion is thrown out.

Says the guy who posts in every thread begging for every other class to get nerfed. Guess you’ll just have to deal with the fact it’s your turn for big nerfs.

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Nobody cares, your opinion is invalid if you want a class nerfed by more than 20%.

Shaman have over 1500 attack power. You realize thats 2-3x more than any other physical dps class right? In conjunction with that they get 100% up time last stand, defensive stance, and better than naxx bis defensive rating all in one rune.

You’re delusional to think that doesn’t need a massive nerf. Their attack power bonus needs to be cut down by at least 40%, and way of the earth needs to reduce damage and healing done by 20-30% with an extra boost to threat generation.


Lol. when something is broken they need a fix. It’s almost a universal rule in any industry. Shaman is not OP now, they are broken. This was not the design intention.


Wasn’t broken 2 weeks ago, you’re immediately wrong for bringing it up. Go away if you can’t create good opinions anymore.

Shaman damage looks ridiculous, same vibe as raptor strike dealing 1k dmg. I also think hotstreak should probably deal 50% damage because it’s incredibly overpowered for pvp and doesn’t need that much power to still be auto-included. Arcane surge also needs a nerf/ horizontal utility buffs.

I also have a 40 shaman, in full resto gear I can go from something like 170 ap to 1000 with 1 buff and 2 free weapon enchants. I can’t imagine what it’s like in full enhance gear and spec.

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I just find it endlessly amusing that EVERYONE screamed about melee hunters needing a nerf. Just constantly. Now you have shamans. Who do MORE damage than melee hunters ever did in pvp. While simultaneously having NONE of the weaknesses that melee hunters had. They are not squishy, they have self heals if needed, good recovery, are mobile, have the ability to do ranged damage.


mobile how?

you mean ghost wolf which is a 3 second cast if not talented and nobody but flag runners have it talented?

how bout that ranged slow and interrupt THAT SHARE THE SAME COOLDOWN unless you have way of the earth rune and then ITS NOT RANGED.

alot of these benefits the shaman has they dont have all at once. its a choice and sometimes that choice gets rid of or severely limits the other ones.

if you want to nerf shaman make way of the earth require a shield.

i can tell you , as someone who refuses to use woe and double rb , the shaman is fine and just as squishy without that.

they do good damage without it and can actually function in pvp.

but they do get very squishy without it .

You’re trolling.

Yeah that good ol hard casting enhancement shaman build.

Nope shamans are broke beyond pallys.

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Double Rockbiter needs a nerf, WoE does not.

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Pally is literally dog water wym

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if that dog water is premium liquid maybe.

Nah you trolling fr xD

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I know from you spamming the same links for 2 weeks that these are just the vids of braindead players too enthralled by the chaos of Blood Moon trickling into a Shaman without using a single active ability. Somehow evidence of something, when any class and any spec would have done the same. Don’t even need to click anymore.

NERF SHAMANS, they are op. I don’t care about the incessant campaigning in the shaman community. They are so over turned.


clearly a shaman knocked your ice cream off its cone then gave you a wedgie.