So youre asking for shaman nerfs?

This wat happens when you mix retail players with classic players

yeah Enhance is just dumb right now cause you’re able to run a tank rune and do insane dmg in PvP. All they really need to do is make it so Way of Earth requires a shield or something. It’s weird how Shaman can effectively be a tank but still pull the insane burst they do in PvP. Both the bonus Stam and dmg reduction are huge. They are the only class with a flat dmg reduction rune/ability for all dmg types.

  1. I think you’ll find most shamans would just love to run Shammy rage and WF weapon Mainhand, which would reduce the burst damage and the tankiness. (I’m leader of that camp, self proclaimed.)
  2. Shadow Priests, Mages, and Moonkin are all ranged and were/are instacasting nukes. Shaman is a MELEE… they have to get close, and even then, it’s stilll not as much damage as an SPriest or mage. They can’t even Stun or root you…best they have is a slow.

There’s a reason STV Altar is just a bunch of Shadow Priests and mages farming coins like they’re AoE leveling. Shamans are not in that mix, because they’re no where near as capable due to range limitations. (Same reason the Paladin nerf threads are few and far between…they’re literally unstoppable- but are largely melee.)

The nerf paladin threads are a parody on these. Paladin is a meme, worst class in the game by a a lot. Imagine loosing to the class where just run away is a viable counter play.

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Why hello there, Paladin.

You should try using that 1min CD stun, or Repentance, or the lovely mass slowing shield.

It’s more. It’s overwhelmingly more.

I agree completely that this is ridiculous and should also be nerfed.

With that being said, I’m capable of chewing gum and walking at the same time. Hitting me with “what about this!” Won’t detract from the fact that enhancement is out of control.

Against a clothie? Sure.

Against another melee? No…

Enhancement is only “out of control” when you compare it to other classes who have gap closers, stuns, CCs, etc… and just disregard that they do.

Thought experiment: You nuke Shamans down to Warrior damage levels.
Why would you bring an enhance shaman to PvP?

(And I swear to christ if you say to give WF to warriors I will hex your computer to brick.)

No, shaman is over performing in PvE as well. It needs a 20% nerf all around in dps output and a massive WoE nerf for it’s oppressive survivability rune in pvp.

It would still be a problem for the caster specs then. It needs to reduce damage and healing by a flat amount, and increase threat generation to compensate for it.

So what I’m getting is that you want shaman to be an unstoppable force with no counter play. I’m mentioning all of these things because it’s things you have to play around. There should be repercussions for misusing you tool kit or being caught out of position.

Period. End of story.

So ignoring healing, totems, a ranged interrupt, ghost wolf, rezzing…

I guess you’re right. If Shamans didn’t have all that other stuff and then you made them do not out of control completely OP instant cast on demand damage (that doesn’t even require rage or energy) then maybe you’d have an argument.

As it stands, your argument that enhance is melee therefore it should just be able to erase anything it sees without the option for counterplay isn’t going to get it with me sir.

I’m just gonna go ahead and ignore you from here.
Shaman isn’t top in ANY percentile, and you’re demanding a PvE nerf.

You’re just a crab in a bucket…ignored. (And reported for trolling since you spam every thread regardless of whether or not Shaman is the topic…with emotional shaman bufoonery.)

Stay malding. Over there outta sight.

I’m pretty sure you’re Res. He had that SAME style of hyperbole…

I’ll ignore this one too.

Enh damage is only wildly out of control when you put them with the tankiness they also have due to a rune, without that rune they just look like every other class damage wise. Nerf the rune and it isn’t as bad.

Shamans over performance in PvE is a bit exaggerated. Yes we’re doing well but if you look at logs there are shamans sprinkled in but it’s filled with mages and locks. In the top 400 in damage to bosses there’s about 30 shamans but around 100 locks and 100 mages. Even the top 100 there’s 95% casters.

Strawman, here we are.

(This allows Shamans to NOT have to run WotE which requires Rockbiter, the big bad boogieman here, and would allow us to run more fun things like WF as opposed to having to be the big damage tank just to SURVIVE. Hell, once the damage is toned down, may WoE require a shield- shammy rage would be sufficient.)

I’m pretty sure accusing me of sock puppeting is pretty stupid.

What words would you prefer I use? It’s what’s happening.

Of course you will. You’re here advocating for Shaman to remain out of control. Erasing people. Murdering them. Blowing them up. Globaling them. Whatever words you want to use.

You know Shamans need a need but because you’re playing it you want to defend what we all know is broken.

It is not. It is doing well in Gnomer because elemental damage is useful on high armor targets. It is performing just fine.

You understand you can just run away from an enhance shaman? Which is the literal same exact counterplay in tbc/era?

This guy gets it.

Shaman dps is currently higher than pre-nerf survival melee hunter dps. If hunter deserved a nerf due to its performance, than logically so does shaman. Shaman even more so because it has dramatically more utility than hunter.