Yes. A class that can instacast self heals. Has ranged slows, fear removal, ranged interrupt, spell deflect. This is coming from someone who plays shaman in sod now. I’d rather be a glass cannon from nerfs to way of the earth over getting completely gutted and being useless in PvE and PvP.
I’m not angry. There’s just reason classes should just blow other people up without any sort of counterplay.
It doesn’t matter how long you claim to have played a particular class. That doesn’t mean that class should just be a walking Iwin button.
They’re getting closer to PvP balancing. Enhance is a massive outlier. They need to check it out. No one wants Shamans to be free kills. We all just don’t want to be free kills for Shamans.
I really think you misunderstood what I was saying to begin with. I agree, it needs balancing.
It’s the people advocating for it to be nerfed into the Stone Age that need to stop frothing at the mouth.
Let Blizzard look at for a minute. I wanted them to desperately make two-handed viable, I would have preferred that was the center of attention in sod.
If you’re accusing me of sock puppeting, you’re far off the base.
No. I don’t play Resto.
I’m not advocating for enhance to be nerfed to the point is unplayable. I’m saying that it is as bad as shadow priest was (arguably still is) and moonkin was.
It needs a PvP nerf. There shouldn’t exist a class that just shows up and erases people without the option for counterplay.